Stringles (1992681)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

City I
Published Jul 29, 2010
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My Latest Updates Show All
Trouble trouble...Written Jul 30, 2010
I have such a big trouble with making objects in TSRW, have al programs and have made thath litle table in the tutorial, but It's so hard! A big thumb up for you all object makers! Do you have any tip for me how to make objects in some kind of easier way than the tutorial shows? probemly not, but IF you do, please tell me! Now, Im going to play a bit sims3, nice day everyone ...More
Party for my...Written Jul 25, 2010
Several mounths ago my grandparents (mother side), celebrated their 45 year marriage and in gift the whole family gave them a party a sunny day in the summer. We are having that party right now! Sadly it's rainging today, after four weeks of instant sun with a big heat! But it's stil funny! In my last blog post I told you that I had a big problem about understanding this site, but... ...More
Totaly iritating!Written Jul 25, 2010
Im not new here, have bein a member for over three years, but I stil don't get this site! Maby it's because Im from sweden and not understand everything I read... -.- BUT It says in my submissions that I have my creation published, but I stil can't find it if I search in the categories. Their are alots of things that does'nt work properly for me. Just have to keep trying I guess... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
GlitterberryflyNov 07, 2022
Thank you for the kind words!!
denizzo_istAug 02, 2010
Hi Thank you very much for your wonderful comment on my 'DNZ Ivy V3'. Really I'm glad you like it Have a wonderful day
SholaaAug 02, 2010
*milks the internet cow* For a 6x6 or 5x3 or whatever-I-get-cause-I'm-not-the-one-making-it-size-rug, I even make a mean internet sticky date pudding. True story.
I keep making these gigantic modern houses with multi-story mezzanine living spaces, which *desperately* need big rugs to look complete. Fiddling around with different floor tiles never works 100%. So if you can squeeze in this project I will owe you foreeeeeevar