SweetLittleRockAndRollerDesigns (6232072)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (11 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Rockabilly Teen Heartthrobs 1
Published Jun 23, 2015
About Me
Established June 2015, SweetLittleRockAndRollerDesigns is meant to be your one-stop shop for everything and anything retro, particularly 1950s/1960s for The Sims 3. So come on in, change into your polo shirt and Letterman jacket or ripped jeans and leather jacket, or your poodle skirt and bobby socks, put a dime in the jukebox, take a seat at the counter, grab a milkshake and some fries, and relax!
If you're looking for anything specific, please don't be afraid to ask!
My Guestbook Show All
SashaSimsloverJul 02, 2015
Ayee Your creations are nice! I like them!