Sweetface (1329277)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Perfect Lip Gloss
Published Mar 7, 2006
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I'm sexy sweet Simmer. I hang out on MySpace and TS2.com as well as cruizin through TSR every week. I love to create my own Sim fashions and makeup. I will try and upload my creations when I find the time. I can't wait to get to meet new Simmers! I also love to create Modern homes for my Sims. Again, I will try and upload some stuff soon...Here's hoping I will get to meet some crazy fun Simmers!
You can check me out at TS2.com my name there is CruizinNative and I have a few uploads that are well...ahem...pretty popular so feel free to let me know just what you think of my creations here, there, wherever...ah-haha! I'm also mildly addicted to MySpace as I find more and more of my old and dear friends...so if you wanna hit me up over there, try copying and pasting the following...myspace.com/sweetfacenative
Don't worry about trying to be all cool...I'm a bit nerdish myself...haha! Just be real. Hey I'm laid back, not scary, no crazy stalking habits, and I don't cause drama, so drop some words on me mmkay? One Love!
My Guestbook Show All
catzrulMar 05, 2007
Thanks for commenting on my makeup, I'm glad you liked it.
TikoMar 04, 2007
Hiya Sweetface ----- It was so great of you to leave such appreciative comments on my Creating Swimmable Sea Islands tutorial - thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. ----- I'm real sorry about being slow to reply - I've been ill in bed for the past week and I'm only just back now. ----- Great to hear from you - hope you have a terrific week. Andy
OksiaFeb 28, 2007
Hi! Big thanks for your comment on my screenshot, glad you liked it