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TabbyDragon's Guestbook

LellieGMar 23, 2009

Wow, thanks! \:wub\: Yeah, New Zealand has quite a few unique animals. \:D Kiwis are the most notable, but they're not backyard-frequenters! \:P They are pretty darn cute though! \:D \:wub\: Ooh forgot to say, your username fits perfectly! \:D

LellieGMar 16, 2009

Wow, that's a whole lot of wild animals! Yes, we just get random mice, and Smutty brings them in as gifts... \:puke\: Gosh, I don't think we have voles or groundhogs or kangaroo rats in our backyards here in New Zealand! \:P Just mice, apparently! :P

LellieGMar 12, 2009

Hmm, there's been mice... lots of mice! \:P Apart from that, nothing really. Other people's cats and dogs love occasionally coming over to sniff around our backyard and drive Smutty up trees, but they're not wild! \:confused\: \:P What wild animals have you found? \:wub\:

LellieGMar 11, 2009

Tabby, that made me laugh!! And it was actually like that too!!.. \:P Yes, animals are not only great companions but they have really great moments all the time. \:wub\: Wow this is fun chatting with you in the good ol' GB! \:D \:wub\:

LellieGMar 9, 2009

Well done for rescuing the dove! \:rah\: Smutty only gets sparrows and whatnot... she tried to get a blackbird, but the blackbird won that one. She's a bit silly like that, we had my uncle's dog come to stay yesterday and she kept sauntering past him without realising he was there, then when she did she got all fluffy-tailed! The dog wasn't very bothered though, luckily!! \:eek\: :P

LellieGMar 4, 2009

Yep, just the one cat. I would LOVE to have at least three, I absolutely love cats to bits!! \:D I think dogs are okay. The one who lives next door to us likes to poke his head through a hole in our fence to say hello! \:wub\: Our house is his second home now, although Smutty doesn't like that very much. :P

LellieGMar 2, 2009

Yum.... chocolate lava cake! \:D I have a cat too, her name is Smutty because she has a black smudge on her nose!! \:wub\: She was a stray, until we fed her... now we're her humans \:D

LellieGFeb 26, 2009

Hello! LellieG here, from the Games forum. \:D Thought I'd stop by and say hi, and give you a delicious cookie cos of your sentiments about Hannah Montana!! (Which are v. true!!) Anyway, you have a gorgeous cat, and the fact that you have a bearded dragon is totally awesome! \:wub\: Well, be seeing ya! Lellie \:\)

cinderellimouseFeb 21, 2008

It's UNBELIEVABLY cold today... brrrrrr! It actually snowed yesterday, I couldn't believe it!!! I didn't get to see it but everyone in work was talking about it. \:D \:D \:D

lukehatherFeb 17, 2008

Hi, Im Luke, just thought i'd say hello. P.S your cat looks brill!

cinderellimouseFeb 16, 2008

We get slush here too! When we see it we all get excited that it's going to snow but it rarely ever does!!! \:\( Mostly it just rains here!!! Cold and wet... yummy! \:cool\: I'm excited to be talking to you too! It's mad isn't it? We must be half a world away but we can still chat! That's the great thing about this site, all the random contries that people come from and we're all the same really!\:D \:D Just some of us get more sun than others, LOL! At least all that talk of sunshine warmed me up a bit!!! \:\)

cinderellimouseFeb 14, 2008

Don't worry... I like rambling! \:D Thanks for letting me know what a tumbleweed is... do you know, I've always wondered about it since I used to see them on cartoons when I was little but I never thought to find out. Now I know. \;\) It was meant to be the warmest day of the year yesterday but it was still blumming freezing!!! I'm worried about the rest of the year now... best buy some thermals! I never dress according to the weather, actually, I work in a clothes shop so I always think it's a different season... for example, we're getting all the summer stuff in now, bikini's and stuff, so I think it's summer and I'm wearing dresses!!! Then I wonder why I'm so cold, hee hee! \:D

cinderellimouseFeb 8, 2008

Ha ha! \:D You should try drinking tea that's not too strong and you need to put milk and honey in it!!! \:P \;\) I drink a lot of coffee too... you need hot drinks because it's so cold here! \:D What exactly is a tumbleweed? I've only ever seen them on TV, what are they made of? Weeds? And how do they get round enough to tumble??? \:D

mssoftbrnFeb 8, 2008

stopping in to say hello!\:rah\:

cinderellimouseFeb 7, 2008

England has it's good bits and bad bits just like anywhere else! It's very green... lots of green-belt land and trees and rural areas and it's got big fashionable cities too! I like the idea of stereotypical England, like the Queen and drinking tea (which we all do... A LOT!!!) and I love old-fashioned Victorian England. I think it would be nice if it rained less and was more sunny but then would it be so green??? I also like the individualism of British fashion, Vivianne Westwood, Alexander McQueen and Christopher Kane are great examples of the wacky, 'I Wear What I Wanna Wear' attitude of the country. \:D \:D \:D

cinderellimouseFeb 2, 2008

Hi Tabby! Just wondering what makes you want to come to sunny England??? \:D \:D \:D

cinderellimouseJan 14, 2008

Hee hee! No problem... glad you liked it! \:D \:D \:D

~simelholicDec 31, 2007

Wishing you a great and prosperous new year and may all your dreams come true, may you have health and wealth and all that is good, may the Lords Love shine down on you and may He bless you with all His riches in Heaven.

candyprincessDec 22, 2007

wishing you a very Merry Christmas

AjoyaDec 20, 2007

MyHotComments Merry Christmas 2 U! From: AjÖya / HotFreeLayouts

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