Tanyella (3643177)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published May 19, 2011
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About Me
Hey all simmers!!!!!!! My name is Tanya and i'm from South Africa. If you've noticed from my posts or comments I'm a bit off up there ( if ya know what i mean) Just joking i'd say i have quite a fun personality but i have to confess i have the attention span of a peanut and even worse peanuts dont have attention spans i like to look at the world in a whole dfferent angle like for instance that was an eye twitch not a wink. I've been playing sims since the sims1 and i love making sims but lets just say my game is 'striking' against me soo i haven'y been playing in moths (however will i survive?) so i pass the time by reading stories and looking at custom content welllll anyway this has been a post from the one and only TANYA ( well not the one and only, considering there lots of Tanya's in the world but the one and only Tanya who is on tsr, crazy, belongs in a mental asylum and has the attention span f a peanut) Ya know for your profile and t says housing, why does it say homeless, cuz sadly hobo's can't afford internet
My Guestbook Show All
spladoumFeb 23, 2012
I'M NOT DEAD!! I'm glad you enjoyed this latest chapter--thank you kindly as always for reading and enjoying
martoeleDec 16, 2011
Merry Christmas y Happy New Year 2012.
I wish you and all your beloved ones, Peace, Love,
Light and Health.
RatRaceRobOct 23, 2011
Tanyella-- no rat hating please ! But no worries. It's the thought of adoption and gifts of new laptops that count most to me Yes, Gwen's favorite color happens to be yellow, won't that make for interesting construction trailer renovations ? And, if you find yourself missing the Simanskis too much before their next appearance, have a peek in my screenshots, as they're dropping in often