Thamira (6242122)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (82 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Houseboat Modern Quality
Published Feb 3, 2017
About Me
Hi everyone, now it's time for me to show some of my houses on TSR and maybe some creations for Sims 4. I hope you'll enjoy my lots and my other stuff.
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My Latest Updates Show All
Another WOW!!Written Nov 29, 2016
Since last year incredible 90k downloads have been added. I thank you from the heart, that you like my houses and stuff so much. In the last few months I did not have much motivation to do something with sims, but that motivates me to do more. Thank you very much :) ...More
Important things!Written Dec 22, 2015
Oh I saw that I forgot to specify at my Cozy Christmas Cottage that I have the Holiday Celebration Pack installed . I also wanted to beg you ALWAYS enter the cheat bb.moveobjects before you placed my houses. Nevertheless, the game sometimes clears things . I'm sorry for that. But now I 'm going to... ...More
Wow the first 10.000 DownloadsWritten Dec 10, 2015
I got my first 10,000 downloads !!! Yeah!!! :D Yes I know it's not a million , and unlike others, it is a measly number , but I'm also not so long at TSR . That's why I am really happy that you like my things so well, that you want to have them in your houses . It's nice when you know that the effort was... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsFeb 06, 2017
Bei uns in Kroatien sind die Küchen immer so clean haha
PralinesimsOct 04, 2016
Dankeeee ♥
jomsimsJun 18, 2016
Hi Thamira and thank you for your comment glad you like . and wish you a good weekend.Friendly Jomsims