I know its been a while!
I havent managed to create anything in a few months now - My Arthritis has been having a right old flare up, Im very tired, and by the time i get home from work im exhausted - I guess living up in Lancashire, we took a right old battering with the weather this year, we have had no summer we have only had months of rain rain and more rain, floods gale force winds and even snow yesterday.
Anyone who has or knows anyone with the dreaded "Arthur" knows only too well how this hideous weather can really knock you for six - and if that doesnt - them me sat here, being all philisophical and giggling away to myself, in lots of pain but not actuaslly caring beause im on the super strong painkillers!!
Its not that i dont want to create, or that I have run out of ideas, I have loads, but Arthur is dictating how much energy i have at the moment, so I hope you all dont mind me feeling a bit sorry for myself. However, i hope that i will be able to begin uploading more stuff soon! Promise!!
Luff n Stuffs
Claire xxx
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