Zakk - Again!
I know a lot of you have been asking how Zakk our not so little rescue dog has been getting along... When we got him, we were told that he was probably about 8-12 weeks old because of his size... since we began taking him to the vets, it turns out that he was probably about 15 weeks. Due to him not being fed he probably stopped growing along with getting thinner. but his teeth and exam showed his true age. We have had him for about 4 weeks now, hes had all his jabs (he may have had them already but we dont know)but he has gone from 10.5kg to 16kg in a few weeks;. Hes doing really well, hes more or less stopped piddling all over my pink (yes pink.. not my chioce, they came with the house)carpets.. Well, thats a good excuse as any to rip them up and get some nice wood floors instead (although i think i might be pushing the overdraft with the £52 per sq metre Solid dark oak stuff at B&Q at the mo!) Anyway... this is the not so little new picture of Zakk:
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