Wow.. what a week! I have many ideas simering in my head, I have done several lots that I plan to upload to the Simaholics free site that I contribute to, Totally CC free, and only requiring Ep's upto Nightlife - courtesy of Numenor's Basegame Starter App.
Onto the main topic ad the title suggests Zakk. He is our soon to be new addition to out family. Zakk was rescued by a friend of ours who saw the little mite being kicked around the back yard of the so called owners house. choice words were exchanged and our friend tok the puppy away.
The thought of this poor mite not having a home really got to us, and we are going to pick him up tomorrow... He is a Rottweiler male, we think he is somewhere between 8-12 weeks old... Looking at him, How on earth could you resist this little chap?
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