Tully (2939550)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

\"Aria\" - Realistic...
Published Dec 12, 2009
About Me
Hi together!
I'm Tully, a nice but a little bit shy girl from Switzerland. You know, that little country in the middle of europe? I'm 22 years old and once said, that I would never play TS3. I sweared that. I have to say, I broke that swear, because now I play TS3 all the time! First it wasn't really my game, but after spending some hours with it as the expansion packs came out, I began to love it more and more. And recently I started to create for it, mostly paintings, sims and houses. See, i can't mesh, so that's why I do things you don't need a 3d program for. Well, I then lost my login data and was inactive for quite a bit, but thanks to two very kind persons (one that helped me to overcome my shyness, and one that helped me recover my password) so I'm active again and wil soon start to present my TS3 Creations here.
Yours Tully.