Tupiniquim6 (684832)
About Me
I'm a Brazilian woman who does not speak English very well, so it's hard to me to say something about me, but I love spend hours playing Sims (despite my age) because it makes me feel like a child and it's the best part of people's life.
My Guestbook Show All
drewsolteszSep 24, 2008
Thanks so much for reading and commenting on "The Spurious Rake", I have a new story posted, "Escape From Fort Bravo" would be honoured if you read and commented! Cheers!
katlin194Aug 30, 2008
Hi thanks for reading and commenting on Hearts Can Change Hands Pt. 3, the next part is now posted, would love to know what you think!
BBKZAug 21, 2008
Hello Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my screenshot It's great feeling to see that somebody likes my pic. Have a nice day! Barbara