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BBKZDec 6, 2009

Hey there. Thank you for your comment on my latest creation. You're right: it's funny situation but sometimes that kind of things happen. We use textures from few great fashion sites and it is really normal thing that sometimes we want to create the same outfit. Will you upload your dress? It would be nice to see your work too \:\) I'm sure your creation is nice too, because - as I see - you have talent \:\) Keep up good work! Barb

olcia_olivineaNov 28, 2009

Hi\:\) I'd like to thank you for your nice comments about my stuff, I hope that you will enjoy it in your game\:\) And that recolor is an original recolor from CoolSims \;\) Hugs, Ola

ILikeMusic640Nov 5, 2009

Hey, I haven't talked to you in a while, how's it going?

MJxoSep 14, 2009

Hiya\:\) How have you been and hows school going?! Wow you brought Free time and Bon voyage\:D I love them both and i havent been playing the sims lately. I am going to install Sims 2 again some time this week. Its been ageeeessss\:rolleyes: \:rolleyes: Brings me back old memories lol. Anyways it was great to hear from you and sorry for the late reply. Talk to you later! Mariah\:cool\:  

ILikeMusic640Sep 10, 2009

Hey, sorry that my mesh link was messed up!  The right mesh is at http://glamorouslounge.net/htmls/women/women_meshes_02.html and it's the last mesh on the page!  Thanks for letting me know!  Claire

MJxoAug 31, 2009

Lol i went mad when i finished the game\:ph34r\: i accidently(maybe not) throwed the controller at the wall because my auntie was laughing that i finished it. It was a funny moment\:P Anyways yeah the first resident evil was good but my fave one is Apocalyse with Nemesis the experimental tyrant. It links to the game Resident evil 3 with Jill Valentine and the Nemesis trying to kill all the S.T.A.R members. Totally Awsome! 

MJxoAug 30, 2009

I checked out Drakan\:D Looks pretty cool but i dont think my comp can handle any more games as i have sims 3 taking a lot of space. No but one day i will try it out\:cool\: oOOH have you ever watchedResident Evil: Degeneration?? Its a cool movie which involes Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfiled\:\) I just recently watched it.

MJxoAug 29, 2009

Oh i might try Oblivion as im into those games also. I find it similar to Neverwinter nights and Baldurs gate. Have you heard of them?? They are both RPG! You do quests and cast spells etc... really cool\:cool\: They are on PC only and it came out ages ago. 

MJxoAug 28, 2009

Double kudos for you too lol\:rah\:

MJxoAug 28, 2009

Resident evil Outbreak introduces new characters and you have to just survive. In each senario you have a percent bar that goes up. If your bar is 100% that means you die and have to start it from the beginning. So that means you have to work fast in completing each level. Its only on the PS2 and it came out about 5 years ago. The game was able to play multiplayer but Capcom shut that feature down. Its a MAJOR awsome game!! Check out the info in this link >>     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil:_Outbreak I have Resident evil Outbreak file 1 and 2 . Sooo awsome and major hard. depends on what difficulty! Anyways.. Oblivion what is it like???   

MJxoAug 28, 2009

I think you would have had fun in my science lesson, always things to laugh about in that lesson\:D(in my opinion lol)Anyways social studys is the only one eh?! It seems you enjoyed it\:D I guess i only like some of my lessons because of me and my friends LOL! Yes games.. and i have heard of Oblivion. I havent played it but my uncle has it! Recently i brought Resident Evil Outbreak File 2. Awsome game but some puzzles are major are hard! Have you ever heard of the game??

MJxoAug 28, 2009

My favourite subject would be science\:\) Me and my friend would mostly have an art lesson and draw stuff in our books. We would still do the work and pass exams etc... Lol we made a full lyric book at the back of our books. We showed it to our teacher and he was like cool lmao(I got a picture of one of the pages)\:P Hmm one other subject was Spanish and DT food. Hilarious lessons\:P The subject i dislike was English because our teacher was really ill and was sick for months. We were left with random teachers that were soo annoying! I just had to get over it *_* do you hate everything about school lol?? oo and what is your fave/dislike lessons??

MJxoAug 27, 2009

oOOh you start school eh? Dont worry about it you will be fine. I start next week ahh\:P I got my results for my exams and i passed all of them\:D Soo im getting in to college lol\;\) i feel sick thinking about college. I know its gonna be great but i still miss my old school lol\:rolleyes: ahh soo many memories lol. Anyways...

MJxoAug 26, 2009

Resident evil 4 is one of my favourites as i had so many memories playing it will my auntie(yes shes into video games just like me). You have to play it if you can\:D!! Anyways yes i have Bon Voyage! Its a really cool expansion pack for taking your sims on holiday. You do have new clothing and some hairstyles\:D You can create your own destinations and go on honeymoons\:cool\: Its great but i might install it again on my computer to play cuz i miss it soo much\:rolleyes: The new sims 3 expansion is similar to Bon Voyage. Im going to be buying it to have a try\;\) Anyways... do you have any plans for this week.

KalmanKukkaAug 21, 2009

No, you don't bother me at all. \:\) You can use my contact lenses if you want to.

MJxoAug 21, 2009

Lol i love my cheese. The whole spike thing, i made an error lol(I was thinking about Leon in resident evil 4) Oooo the cost for live depends on how long you want to last. You can either have the 1 month, 3 month or for a whole year. Its all worth the cost as you get so much stuff (In my opinion)\:\) 

MJxoAug 20, 2009

Yeah in the Resident evil 1 the voices of the characters make me laugh. One part where Jill is nearly squashed by spikes, she gets rescued by Barry and he says "That was too close, you were almost a Jill Sandwich!" sorry that made me and my mate died at that moment\:P Anyways.. Wesker is cool right?? lol. Yes... Xbox. I dont like the ps3 that much\:ph34r\: sorry lol. Yeah i do have an Xbox mic but not wireless why??\:D

PhysiaAug 20, 2009

hey hunter \:D thx for your lovely entry \:D i'm glad that u like my creations \:D xx yassi

MJxoAug 20, 2009

*big hugs* dont be sad and your not a loser\:D COD huh.. loads of people on my Xbox is playing game all the time\:rolleyes: lol. You need to get an Xbox so i can totally add you as a friend\:D Left 4 dead is freaking awsome and the next one (Left4Dead 2) is coming out November 17th*ARGHHHHHH XD*. Left 4 dead is sadly not on the PS3, just on Xbox and PC\:\( Resident evil\:eek\:\:eek\: Omg im in love with that game lol!! i havent played the directors cut version though. You have to tell me what its all about and if its similar to the original(well im kinda sure it is hmm oh well lol)\:D\:D 

MJxoAug 20, 2009

*\:\) at you attempting to make a convo\:D* Well.. im still just at home(sucks) or out with my friends shopping\:D I havent been playing the sims that much\:rolleyes: Just been on the cheese(playing left 4 dead) instead and chatting\:D ... What have you been up to lately?? *Waves XDD*

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