VanHelsingLover (650880)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (20 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Pink Kitty Floor
Published Oct 10, 2005
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About Me
I'm 30 years old and I live in South Africa. I have two brothers, one older (34) and one younger (21). I have three nieces, Ciaran the oldest at 13, Paige 8 and Hannah at 6 years old. I have one dog, a miniature schnauzer named Eliza.
I love listening to my music, watching movies, reading and writing. I did not like the sims right away but my younger brother got me interested and now he doesn't like it and I love it . I had the Sims and its 7 expansion packs (but sold them because I never played anymore) and The Sims 2 and I have most of the expansions and two stuff packs. I now have most, if not all, of the sims 3 expansions and just love it.
Other games I play, when I take a break from Sims 3:
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age 2
Portal 2
Mass Effect 1 and 2.
I have done a bit of writing, but fanfic for Dragon Age 2, which is up on my deviantart account .
And that is my update.
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georginJul 11, 2011
Hello. The skin from my sim can be found here: , scroll down and there's a dl link. It will also install in your game if you install the sim. Have a great day!
foxysenseiFeb 04, 2007
I downloaded your pink kitty wallpaper - very cute. I read in your profile you have two cats - I am sooooo jealous! My husband is allergic.... how ridiculous!
oldmember_madiegirlMar 13, 2005
That's kind of odd. It doesn't happen to my sim usually. I will have to check. Anyway, thanks!