ViperPerdy (1112461)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Villa Frontier
Published May 22, 2006
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BetterbeSimJan 17, 2006
Hi Viper Thanks for your compliment in my guestbook.
To answer your question; I use Milkshape for meshes, Adobe Photoshop for the textures and graphics. And ofcourse Simpe.
To get started with creating, go and visit the forums and the tutorials section here at TSR. You will find a lot of helpfull tips there. Goodluck and have fun!
BetterbeSimJan 16, 2006
Thanks for the compliment
(To answer your question: I use Milkshape and Photoshop)
ViperPerdySep 29, 2005