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Vlana's Guestbook

lilliebouJun 28, 2010

Ravie que mon set m�di�val te plaise =P Bonne chance pour ta recherche d'autres objects m�di�vaux, bon succ�s avec tes histoires. Au revoir!

FreyanSamDec 29, 2009

Hi Vlana and thanks for your comment on my screen. I guess they lock unhappy because they were very tired. Both had almost red in the bar so they went straight to bed when they got home. Well I made him feed the baby first. \:D Wishing you a Happy New Year \:\)

charrayOct 5, 2009

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your wonderful creations and stories \:rah\:  You did an amazing job on them \:\)

shadow66Feb 1, 2009

Hi!  Thanks very much for your comment on my 'Woo-Hoo' screenshot - I just couldn't resist those cheeky little faces!! :P  - glad you liked it!  \:D

rockstar50018Dec 29, 2008


rebekah eliz24021994Dec 15, 2008

Hello, sorry to ask but when is the next part of The Terrible House coming out?

saturrnNov 3, 2008

I liked it alot...u are very welcome

saturrnNov 2, 2008

you r a really great wrighter

pjeff03Jun 27, 2008

Not to sound pushy or anything... but... well... CAN YOU HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT TERRIBLE LEGACY PART?!\:mad\: \:mad\: \:mad\:

nanaponJun 1, 2007

Bonjour vlana, mon nouvel écrivain d'histoire préféré. je suis arrivé tomber juste sur vos histoires merveilleuses et je me suis rendu compte. ..they fin ! quand fera la partie 5 de l'histoire terrible sortent (ou l'est déjà avaiable) ? me permets de sait s'il vous plaît ! fait attention ! \:\) \:\)

kkffooApr 16, 2007

Big thanks for your support with my story V \:\) I'm leaving you a link for my youtube site. I haven't updated in the last week but hope to soon. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Kkffootube

JubilantFeb 26, 2007

Vlana, I am writing a story. I'd be so happy if you read it. The first 2 chapters are published. \:wub\: erin

Olga2102Jan 5, 2007

U've made a great story!!! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

NikouchocoDec 28, 2006

Bonsoir Vlana \:\) Moi aussi ça me fait plaisir de trouver d'autres français sur TSR. Et franchement un grand merci pour avoir écrit une version française de la Terrible histoire. Superbe histoire que celle-là d'ailleurs, vivement la suite ! \:rah\: Joyeuses fêtes à toi et à bientôt ! \:\)

Melody CuriousDec 28, 2006

Hi Vlana, just love your pictures and your items are fantastic! Can't wait to get them into my games!\:wub\:

nonetnonDec 25, 2006

Salut,j'ai lus vos histoires sur ea games (français) je les adores! \:wub\: Bonne contiuation!!

newbie.t.Dec 23, 2006

Hi veronique, and thank you so much for the lovely comments you have left on my stories. I appreciate them so much. I'm so glad you liked Honey's story, I was worried it would get a bit lost in the drama. And I'm glad you liked the pictures at the end. I thought that every character should have some sort of resolution, and those pictures are among my favourites (especially those last Mannie/Errol and Ray/Wendy pics - altogether now: awwwww). Thank you once again, and have a very Bon Noel!!

newbie.t.Dec 18, 2006

Hello Veronique \:D Ooh I love being evil, I hope I had you clicking. \:P Thank you for your lovely comments on my stories, and I hope your eyes aren't too sore from all that reading! \:\) See you soon! \:D

Lady DarkFireDec 17, 2006

Veronique, you are so sweet! Thank you for the well wishes on my anniversary. ((Hugs) You are very right time goes by quickly when in love and I hope that my husband and I will quickly reach 18 years together too! \:wub\: \:wub\:

annbraDec 17, 2006

Dear Vlana, Thank you for your kind comment about my Avatar! Love your work! \:D \:o \:wub\: \:cool\:

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