Volvenom (1853073)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (43 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (50 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Lavender, Basegame
Published May 5, 2016
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I have been building houses in Sims2 and 3 for many years. It has given me lots of joy.
My many houses and worlds, and the testing and research I have been doing, along with my many RL photoes can all be found on my blog: www.VolvenomTullarask.com.
My blog has been steadily kept updated since 2012, and I have now done a complete refurbish of it's layout. If you are a steady reader of my blog though, you will still find the same menu available, it's just been reorganized to accommodate ts4 and many other creative things I like to fiddle with. Feel free to take a look, and I hope you like it.
You can find the links to all my other sites, videos, pictures and you name it there.
My Latest Updates Show All
Stranda download available on mtsWritten Jan 10, 2014
Then finally my world is available on modthesims, and with a star as well. Thanks a lot for that. It took a lot of time and effort to get the result I wanted. 2 years doing one project almost every day is a lot of work. Download, description, pictures and requirements: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=516078 ...More
Finished my big worldWritten Jan 04, 2014
Since my 2 year project Stranda World is now finished I have more time to build houses. I have downloaded a program to select what exp and stuff packs to use on projects, it will hopefully make my houses more accessible. I'm thinking of a little world for more old fashioned houses, I'm hoping to make it basegame as a map and then possibly make fitting houses for it as I go. I can't tell you... ...More
New big project coming upWritten Feb 03, 2013
I just wanted to be up front this time since I can't comment in people's guest books. What I post is always spam for some reason. Therefore I just want say thank you to everyone who comments on my new house or any previous houses I may have done. If you want to know what's coming, here is the video of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYltXgzl2m8&feature=youtu.be ...More
My Guestbook Show All
soize71000Sep 30, 2021
thank you very much for your amazing creations.
RenemorMay 28, 2019
Takk for at du lager de beste veggene i TS4, spent å se hva du kommer med i fremtiden!
Moro du er norsk
Hilsen Renate, 40 år gammel TS fan fra Halden
Whatever0623Jul 19, 2018
It's fine. That one you have will be my fav!