WWEmichael2010 (3357646)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (29 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Batista Tee
Published Aug 9, 2010
About Me
Hey, after a hiatus, and school and exams etc I have decided to come back. I will be under a different user name. (WrestlingUploads) I will reupload and make new tees under the user name and you can feel free to ask questions or suggest new tees for me. Many thanks for putting up with my hiatus. I will now be on most days, apart from homework nights. Many Thanks, WWEmichael2010
My Latest Updates Show All
RequestsWritten Aug 15, 2010
Hey simmers. If anybody would like to leave me a request then please contact me on this site. I have had three requests so far. Jerry Lawler Tee, Melina Tee and Jeff Hardy Tee. Any requests are accepted even if it is non WWE related. I am on this website every two days so you wont have long to wait for me to read your request, reply, make the tee, and wait a day for admin to approve and... ...More
Special Birthday Upload (Update)Written Aug 07, 2010
Hi simmers. Here is an update on my creation. All of the creations for both males and females have been created. However, the female creations leave a black mark on the neck. I will fix this. It leaves a mark because the original tee is designed for a male. It isn't noticeable in game, but it is in CAS. It will be fixed in time for the 12th August. Now time to look for the images again...... ...More
Special Birthday Upload.Written Aug 05, 2010
Hey felleow Simmers. Today I have been working for around five hours to upload something special on the 12th August (MY BIRTHDAY!!!). It will feature about twelve tees for children right through to elder and is an Everyday, sleepware, swimware and athletic clothing available for Males and Females. It will feature WWE clothing such as Batista, CM Punk and Randy Orton. If anyone has anymore... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Kaddy_1993Sep 03, 2013
Love your tees.. can you do a AJ Lee shirt for my Sim AJ?
Thank you for your creations xo kaddy
Noora123Sep 20, 2012
Amazing! I love your work!
I have 1 request and that is Wade Barrett?
Anyway, I really love your work! Continue like that
Smileygirl12Jul 13, 2012
Do Zack Ryder please