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Warrayfinson's Guestbook

fionaivriFeb 6, 2009

Hi! Oh my Gosh, I love your stories they're brilliant! I stumbled across your page a few days ago and I've read all your stories, they're so good! I bookmarked you! I can't wait for more! Will you be posting again soon? \:D

lisa9999Feb 6, 2009

Morning,  I love the story! I want more! I hope you are feeling better.  I know that heat can do terrible things.  Occasionally we get in the 90's here and all yo can do is sit. They should have closed school due to excessive heat, heck we have snow days. When it is hot like that drink a lot of water. Carry a water bottle around with you.  Freeze a couple at night and take them to school with you, buy the time you drink them they will be thawed out but cool enough to drink. I do that when we go on day trips. I send my son to school with one if it is going to be hot. Not our problem now, it is 7 degrees F. this morning. Hope all is well and take care of yourself! I can't wait for more of the story!\:wub\: Lisa

Jaws3Feb 6, 2009

Well, at least your feeling better! \:\) I had to go to sickbay yesterday. I was in the MPU playing volley-ball (I decided to have a go anyway. I know my limits, and when to stop...) and went to spike it, but it jarred my finger. \:\( I stopped coz it was REALLY painful and my friend must have noticed something in my face coz she made me go get ice. I spent 10 minutes in sickbay waiting for the lady to give me some ice! And no-one else was there! \:mad\: My teacher thought I was skipping class, even though I showed her my finger, which was swollen. \;\) Only someone as clumsy as me can hurt their finger in volley-ball! lol!\:D I am going to read your story now...\:\) It must be hot in that brace. Especially this summer. It's SORCHING! I thought they fixed the hole in the ozone layer? It feels like there's one right above us!!! \;\)

Rabold8Feb 6, 2009

Well, cool!  I can't wait to see them!  I am going to look right now!  \:D \:wub\:

Jaws3Feb 5, 2009

That is weird... \:confused\: I hope it works! \;\) What is it about? Is it a new one, or a follow up of one of your other stories?\:\)

QuinnieFeb 5, 2009

How's school?

Jaws3Feb 4, 2009

Hello! \:D I haven't heard from you in a while either! I had my first day last week, on the 29th... I have TWO classes where I'm the only girl! \:o It's so embarrassing! They're my electives. I picked electronics and graphics- yeah, I know, Im a nerd. I also picked music, which will be fun. I have to play my clarinet in front of the whole class. EEK! \:eek\: I'm nervous as hell about that! \;\) I don't like P.E either. probably because I can't actually DO it, and teachers don't really like that. \:\) I also have back problems, but nothing like yours. I have a muscle strain either side of my spine. It's ucomfortable for the most of it. It hurts to twist and on REALLY bad days it's hard to move. \:\( It's something that I can't really get rid of, so I have to learn to live with it. I've had it since before you announced you had scoliosis, and I think I mentioned it around then. \:\) I can't run or twist so it makes sport hard. And We're doing the two sports I actually LIKE this term, and I can't do them!!!! \:\( Oh well. \:\) How is your back going? Does it hurt when you carry a school-bag, or do you carry your books around seperately or something? \:confused\: ... Anyway, you asked about stories? It took around 2-3 days before it got published. Same as lots. I think. \;\) I have HEAPS of homework to do, so I should probably get started. \:\( 

lisa9999Feb 2, 2009

Hey,  Great job on the poll! I like the questions except for what is my favorite, it is too hard to really choose!\:wub\: Have a great day! Lisa\:wub\:

Little Cloud Jan 31, 2009

YES, I DID SAY CRISIS CORE -screams loudly-!!!! Can you believe it!?! On top of that, I am also playing Dirge of Cerberus, which is cool cause you play as Vincent Valentine, but it's really depressing, because the world is about to die (again), plus Vincent is having all these mentel breakdowns about his long lost love life \:mad\:! Anyway, we almost have enough money to buy Crisis Core, and when we do, I'll tell you right away :P! See ya soon \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\:

lisa9999Jan 31, 2009

Good Morning (good evening) I will send you a personel message with the instructions on how to do a poll.  I have had a lot of requests and the site was having a problem, so I had to write to them and now it is easy. The beach huh, I am starting to forget what grass looks like. LOL. Have a fantastic day! Lisa\:wub\:

lisa9999Jan 30, 2009

Kudos!  Hey you seem to be missing in action! Hope all is well.  Lisa\:wub\:

lisa9999Jan 26, 2009

Kudos!  I just put up a new poll! Hope all is well! Lisa\:wub\:

Little Cloud Jan 26, 2009

ZOMG \:eek\: \:puke\: \:wacko\:!!!! I'm so sorry it's neen taking me soooooooooooo long to write Wolf Cry \:\(!! Grades are coming out next week, and I really struggled to get everything in on time. On top of that, I was suffering from some major writers block and ARGH!!!!! Why am I making all these excuses!?! I'm really sorry, and I'll will be sending the first part to you soon. P.S. My brother and I are going to play Crisis Core!!! I'm so exicted. P.P.S. How do I read the stories on your other websites (I checked them out, cause I think you are a really great writer, and there are just some things you can't write with sims \:rolleyes\:\).

Jaws3Jan 26, 2009

Happy Australia Day!\:D

LivdudeJan 25, 2009

I don't think i'm gonna do it, not with an M rating \:\( I still haven't packed yet, too busy reading Twilight, hehe \:D. I am up to chapter 13 now, its starting to build up into a bit of tension :P! Remember to bring New Moon, and how is "Letters" going?

LivdudeJan 24, 2009

Where can i sign up to the other fiction website? \:\) I'd like to give it a try. I already read some of your stories.

LivdudeJan 24, 2009

Hi, 2 DAYS TIL THE COAST! YAY, working on a residential lot, making a sort of set, but not a real one, all going to be part of like the same building name. Also, a cafe', resturant and park. The park looks very good, the cafe' isn't going very well, bu the resturant is going alright. \:\)

QuinnieJan 23, 2009

\:D   Hi! It's Michelle just wanted to say thanks, again, could not find PM's until I read a comment from you in someones guestbook. the new look is going to take a bit of getting used to. Take care!

lisa9999Jan 23, 2009

Kudos! Just stopped by to see how you are. Good I hope. \:rah\: \:D Lisa

wickedgoddess_athena711Jan 23, 2009

yup. my problem is that i dont have the time to create them. The last part of serpent's curse is halfway done while i have prepared the settings for the next story after seprent's curse. it's entitled "the winged-maiden and her mortal lover". it was inspired by the coke commercial that i've been showing you. hehehe. it's about the love story of a siren and a mortal..the ancestors of Tia from serpent's curse. hehehe. another forbidden love story...\:D

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