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Warrayfinson's Guestbook

LivdudeMar 21, 2009

Hey there \:\) Sorry i haven't exaclt been saying hello at school, i'll start to from now on. It's common curtosy to. School is a pain, of course, school wouldn't be school without the occasional problems. \:P I have three assingments due on the same day \:eek\: And also P.E at the moment is boring, we are doing tennis. I want to do rock climbing at school, its sounds good \:D. How many assingments do u have due before the end of term? I bet a lot more than me. I have been a bit behind on your latest sim stories, so i'm gonna check them out soon Hope to see you around   Livdude \:D

kazakhMar 20, 2009

Hi, how are you? I'm really busy in these times but this period will come to an end soon, so I might have time to simming again \:\) Have a very nice day! cheers

rebekah eliz24021994Mar 19, 2009

Thanks for the help and I think you spelt avatar correctly but English isn't one of my strongest subjects which is why I use a spell checher for my stories. I love my avatar, maybe because I'm a goth, who knows?

tonya99rnMar 17, 2009

Thanks for the update, I will be sure to check it out. I do have a story planned , but it is taking forever. I am working on a paired movie. I have spent alot of time researching to improve my movie making skills and want my next to be perfect. The two will somewhat tell  the same story. I want to be able to post the story here , with a link also to the movie for those who want to check it out. Movies take forever. I am working with chroma keys, green screen , and photoshop and some days just want to pull my hair out! LOL! Thanks so much for asking. That is why some have not heard from me in so long, don't worry though, I'm not gone! Can't get rid of me that easy! LOL! I'll let you know when I am ready to post. Please continue to keep me posted on your stories , I do enjoy them! 8)

LauniniMar 16, 2009

I loove alll your stories !!!\;\) ~Launini~

Jaws3Mar 16, 2009

Hey, Warray! \:\) Congrats on front-page!\:D

rebekah eliz24021994Mar 16, 2009

Hi, you're stories are fab. I have one small question. How did you get Ryan's top off and keep his pants on in 'Forgotton Redemtion:Chapter 5'? God, that sounded dirty.\:o

Rabold8Mar 15, 2009

Your very welcome for those comments, your stories are fantastic! \:rah\: Everything is fine with me, this to shall pass, you know? \;\) You are one of the nicest people that I know, seriously. \:wub\: Anyways, I FINALLY HAVE A NEW LOT COMING OUT!!!!! \:D It is coming out on the 17th, so be looking around.  The unfurnished version should be out sometime soon as well, it hasn't been approved yet though. \:P Have you found the time for story writing?!

Little Cloud Mar 15, 2009

Well, one of my friends from school recommened Quizilla, so I think I'll try it. And if I don't like it, I can always try somewhere else. Anyway's, I am so pissed right now \:mad\:. My computer decided to...oh, never mind. It's actually a really long story, but the really long story is posted on my what do you call it? Oh right, mini-site. So if you want to know the very long story invovling my computer, Sims, and why I'm pissed off, then you can check it out there. Bye for now \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\: \:rah\:

miller1220Mar 15, 2009

Even if you cant write my new story for me, here's the main characters: Sarah, a tall tan-skinned teenage girl with medium-length light brown hair with blonde higlights, hazel eyes Alice, a strange teenage girl with short, wild, blonde hair and frightening, icy, piercing blue eyes Thing, a very disturbing teenage boy with no real name, wild dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes Willow, mysteriously quiet woman with pale whitish skin, long brown hair, and green eyes Edward, a hidden figure with black hair and the scariest possible eyes - reddish and swirly and dizzying Brittney, a young child girl with dark blonde hair and blue eyes Sarah is the main character, the narrator. Alice is the suicidal maniac. Thing is the person that wants to kill Sarah. Willow is the lady that runs the prison. Edward is the man with the eyes that peer into the rooms. Brittney is the girl that has been sleeping forever and is tortured by dreams. Just the character descriptions give me chills!!!!!  

miller1220Mar 14, 2009

Heyyyyyy Warrayfinson. I need your help. I have an idea for a good horror story (prefect for you!!!) but the Sims is no longer working on my computer. No matter what i do it wont fix. So Im askign you if you could write it for me? You're much better at uploading, and screenshots, and things like that. If you arent busy could you help? Just look at my blogs to see if the story sounds good. If you like it, and have time, then tell me in my guestbook and I will tell you exactly how the storyline goes. THANXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

Little Cloud Mar 13, 2009

Well, I'm still working on where I would post the stories. I was thinking of Quizilla, but I don't really like that website. Do you know of any places were I could post stories \:confused\:?

BBKZMar 12, 2009

Hello \:\) I'd like to thank you for your wonderful comment on my creation. I'm glad you liked it. Enjoy and happy simming! Barb \:\)

Rabold8Mar 11, 2009

Oh goodness!  Your so sweet!  Thank you so much, I am fine. \:D \:wub\: The main problem has been that I just found out that my dog has bone cancer and only has a few months to live...so...that kind of put me in a foul mood. \:\( But anyways, everything will be fine!  I can't wait to read your stories, but right now I barely have time to write back in peoples guestbooks. \:P I am registering for classes next year, just took one of my many college prepatory exams, and oh lordy...so many other things! \:P So, I am busy, but (this coming weekend) I should be back full force, and ready to read up on ALL of your fantastic stories! \:D

Little Cloud Mar 10, 2009

Crossing your toes \:confused\:? That sounds painful!!!! Anyway, I think I'm gonna start a new Kingdom Hearts story, but I'm going to do it an another website, because it's really hard to write a Kingdom Hearts story using the Sims. Well, I have to go get started on my homework. It's this 'write a dairy from a girl in the 1800's' thing, and it's due on Monday \:wacko\:. Not that thats bad or anything, but homework is homework...

Little Cloud Mar 9, 2009

Hey, it's Little Cloud again. I just wanted to say I got into the hight school I wanted to get into \:D \:D \:wub\:. So, if you crossed your fingers for me, thank you!!!! \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\: \:wub\: \:rah\:

Rabold8Mar 9, 2009

I LOVE your new banner and profile image! \:rah\: I wanted to stop by and say hello, it has been a while since we spoke!  I promise you (as I owe you some serious comments!) that I will be reading your stories asap!  I have been so busy, preparing for tests, projects, athletics, family issues, friends, and just life in general has kept me away for longer than I would ever like!  I hope to hear from you soon!  Keep writing those amazing stories, they give me something to look forward to!!!  \:wub\: \:D

hiedibear75Mar 7, 2009

Hiya. \:cool\:  Sow how you been? \:confused\:  Been a while. \;\)  Talk with ya soon. \:\)  Take care. \:wub\:

lisa9999Mar 7, 2009

Morning! You sound like me. I but things for people and I like what I get for them and I don't want to give it.  But I usually do. Hopw all has been good. I can't wait for your next story.  Have a fun day! Lisa\:D

stephanie1225Mar 7, 2009

Thanks for commenting on my screenie \:D I got the sims to pose like that using Berry's luv luv box from this website ---> http://www.mediafire.com/?mzvolf24kyg    its a really great pose box \:D  Have a nice day \:D

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