WeavingWoman (150259)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

WeavingWomanSouthWestern Blanket...
Published Feb 3, 2009
About Me
I've been playing Sims and Sims2 shortly after they were both released. I have all the expansion packs for both of the games. I am hopelessly helpless as far as creating objects, recoloring, or skinning. I wish I could. I am in love with furnishings from the Arts & Crafts Movement as well as American Praire stuff and there is so very little available for The Sims. I REALLY AM A WEAVER! Check out my actual blanket pattern below. Matching plain carpeting and walls to follow after I get a new graphics card.
My Latest Updates Show All
And yet another Sims 3 poll!Written May 09, 2009
Have a bit of fun and earn a few extra kudos while you are at it! Tami (aka WeavingWoman) ...More
New Poll Too!Written Jan 30, 2009
If you didn't notice the pod, I also added a new poll. I find voting a fun way to increase my kudos! ...More
New Addition to the Southwestern set.Written Jan 30, 2009
Just to let you know that I have added a little extra for those of you that downloaded and enjoyed my Southwestern Set. There is a new plaid carpet that is pending. Tami aka WeavingWoman ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DOTDec 17, 2011
~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~
abuk0Sep 01, 2011
big thanks ;-))))) i think i will do some more western stuff but first i have to finish some other themes ;-))))do you have some ideas what i can i create.....be greatfull for some inspirations ;=))))
NataliSFeb 21, 2011
Thank you, I am very pleased! This is a very high polygon mesh, so I'm not sure of the need to continue this series of jewelry. Maybe I'll make a necklace, but without morphs. Natalia