WelshWitch (1507203)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (562 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ornate Panel Set
Published Dec 7, 2007
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About Me
Welcome to my home where it's halloween all year round.
My fave colours are red, black, & purple.
Things are still very surreal for me at the moment since my fab promotion to SA. So if I sound crazier than usual, dont worry its a phase...possibly a long one!!! and if your as mad as the rest of us then pop into my thread in the forums, just look for 'What a silly Welshwitch' and you'll find loads of weird & wonderful people who will gladly make you feel welcome!
Totally enjoying building lots, and designing new wallpapers too, I'm a bit like a magpie with those, I do love shiny things lol. If you like my lots & walls, 'please leave a comment' so that I get an idea of the designs/styles people prefer, or just let me know what kind of homes/business's you would like more of.. I always reply x
A big THANK YOU! to all those who have said 'thanks' or left comments already it's such an incentive for me to make more weird and wonderful things!
I try to be as diverse as possible with my creations so any idea's for new lots that you would like for your sims is always appreciated.
Welshy x
My Latest Updates Show All
Poll ResultsWritten Apr 07, 2008
Woohoo great to see spooky/gothic came out tops but only just, lots of 'sexy' people out there too, of course i fall into both categories lmao!! thanks all for taking the time to vote! Hugs Welshy x ...More
The Witch is Back!!Written Apr 07, 2008
Hi all remember me lol, well its been a pretty wild roller coaster in real life for last few months, ill health and two computer breakdowns have added to my frustrations, but hopefully i can now get back to creating more weird and wonderful things for all the fab people here at the sims resource. id like to thank all the wonderful people for the messages/emails im now able to read and will... ...More
Seasons Wishes!Written Dec 12, 2007
Seasons Greetings to everyone here at TSR, especially my friends who I must thank for all their wonderful support. To everyone who has downloaded my creations and thankyou for all the wonderful comments that have been left for me, very much appreciated. My wish to you all is for a wonderful Christmas, filled with laughter, good company, and pressies you actually want! lol... visions of the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
NIGHTSHADE12017Jan 24, 2018
german84Jan 15, 2014
It's been a while since I logged in for the last time... You know, real life at the doors of the 30's, hahaha! Nice to hear from you!
I hope everything's just fine. Hugs and kisses all the way from Mx.
DOTOct 23, 2012
OMG! WelshWitch! so very glad to see you! Good times! Good times!