Xandorram (2034442)
About Me
Hi and welcome to my mini site!
� From Denmark
� Female
� 25 years old
� Amateur creator
� Add on The Sims 3: Xandorram2013
My Latest Updates Show All
Trouble!Written Oct 15, 2013
Argh no! I've wanted to upload the tattoos for you, but somehow it won't let me upload the zip-file, neither directly from my computer nor from the file storage on TSR Dx I am very unhappy about it since I really want to share my tattoos with you! Anyone who might know why I can't upload it? ...More
Oh TSR, you are a gift from the GodsWritten Oct 09, 2013
How perfect is it that you can create just want you want for your Sim? So perfect! I've just finished making a tattoo pack (that I'll be uploading soon) and I'm proud of myself. I'm not talented like the other TSR artists, but I'm satisfied with the result ^^ Drop by my screenshot to see them and tell me what you think! ...More
Why I love The SimsWritten Oct 07, 2013
Many people love The Sims and so do I. I've played The Sims since the first game came out and I can't stop playing. As the game as improved over the years with number 2 and now number 3, the possibilities and options have increased significaly and the fun just keeps growing. The game to me is a way of dreaming a bit and also a way to but my mind to action. Who haven't created a Sim... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsOct 19, 2013
///Thank yoooooouuu!!!! ---Have a super beautiful weekend!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Ms BlueOct 10, 2013
Hejsa Tusind tak for din hilsen i min g�stebog. Sp slet ikke at du var dansker sidste gang jeg var her. Har ikke m�dt mange fra danmark her p� TSR Synes dine tatoveringer ser fantastiske ud og h�ber du deler dem med os. Kan altid bruge flere fede tatoveringer
PralinesimsOct 09, 2013
((~~Thank youuuuuuuu so much!!!♥~~))