Xo.dess (4237888)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (518 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Chain Reaction SET.
Published Jan 25, 2016
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (178 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Crystal Point Beach House
Published Oct 2, 2013
About Me
Hello Simmers!!
Name is Destiny. I'm thirty-one years young.
I live in Michigan & I'm married to my best friend.
I play the Sims & I have for years. Sims 3, mostly. Don't like Sims 4 too much.
I've always been fascinated with creating houses for these Sims & seeing what you can do with the game, & make it as realistic as possible. Sometimes I wish I could escape inside one of the many houses in the game - lol.
I don't know how to use TSR Workshop besides for paintings - and maybe some patterns, otherwise I'd make other creations for you all to enjoy.
My Latest Updates Show All
FYI.Written Sep 16, 2013
Probably not going to upload anything more to TSR, seeing's how all the effort I put into finally figuring out TSR WORKSHOP, and making items and taking pictures, everything gets rejected. So whatever. I'm done. ...More
Deleting Sims.Written Dec 24, 2012
Hey guys, I am deleting my Sims games right now because I need to take my computer in to get fixed... so there won't be any updates from me for a while. My creations will still be available for download though, so keep downloading them. x Thank you for your wonderful comments too. xoxo. ...More
Yesss.Written Nov 05, 2012
I could never figure out how to use TSR workshop for Sims 3 clothing, so I decided to redownload mostly all of the Sims 2 games... && started using the bobyshop today. I have to say... it's definitely easier than the workshop lol. :)x I think I may like being a designer... kinda a designer, anyway haha. XD ...More
My Guestbook Show All
NynaeveDesignMay 13, 2018
Thank you for the lovely comment, I appreciate it. Happy Simming and have a wonderful day!
marcorseDec 06, 2015
I would be happy to point you in the right direction with your pattern creating . . but I need to know a couple of things first. . .i.e. what programme are you using to create your patterns [CAP or TSRW]? . .are you talking about single paterns or pattern sets? or are you asking about creating the actual pattern image to use in CAP/TSRW?. It would be best if y ou sent me a PM rather than use the guestbook for this thread. Just go to my page and click on Message in the top right corner. Marg.
LUCKA50May 03, 2014
Good afternoon, first of all I send you my best greetings from Prague. I have seen your pictures to The Sims 3 in simspack. I would like to ask you if it would be possible for you to make a golden plate of a celebrity in simspack for me. I have a photo in .png, I need just put it to simspack. If you would agree then I would send you a photo to your e-mail. I have all the discs of the Sims 3. My e-mail: lucie.sroubkova@centrum.cz . I thank you very much for your answer and for your understanding. I wish you a nice day. With my best regards Lucie Šroubková