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murfeelFeb 12, 2011

\:eek\: Oh CRAP, a 3.5 TB external hard drive!!!!!! \:eek\: *drooling* \:wub\: I have a ton of 4 GB jump drives for my music files, and 500 GB external hard drives for my movies & shows \:\( for some reason the Walmart where I live doesn't sell anything larger -- grrr \:mad\: They do it on purpose, so that you go back and buy multiple ones! \:mad\: How much did that COST!? My 500GB one was $80 -- I think I got shafted \:mad\: LMAO you and me both; I though Naraku was pretty sexy, especially with that voice and the long hair! \:D I feel bad for the lord who he stole the body from, but Naraku made him so much more interesting to look at! \:D But by the end of the series urgh, you should hgave seen him \:puke\: He started to attach all kinds of demons to himself to gain extra powers, and he looked sort of like Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars by the end of the show! \:P TOTALLY messed himself up! \:\( lol You're right, I never found a thing at Walmart, but omg I was at a Best Buy once and the stock they had was PHENOMENAL! They had all SORTS of DVD sets; Neon Genesis Evangelion, Witch Hunter Robin, the Backyardigans ( \:D ) \:eek\: but the prices were pretty steep, I agree. \:\( You know what I would love to do one day? Cosplay. \:D I was in Maryland I think about 3 years ago and there was a Cosplay Convention going on that weekend, and I got to see everybody all dressed up and LOVED it! \:D I don't know who I would dress up as \:o Maybe Mistress 9 or Wicked Lady from Sailor Moon. I'm an all black girl, and I love pink hair, so either one of them would be cool -- I don't have the FIGURE, of course! \:P

murfeelFeb 6, 2011

Okay, I've calmed down, now! :P So, anyway, I don't know about you, but my poor computer was THS close to crashing because of al of my anime! I download all of my anime from The Pirate Bay, a torrent site, and they give you every last episode of every season, but the size of the files is ASTRONOMICAL! Sailor Moon alone was over 40 GB, and Inuyasha I think was I think around the same size or at least half. I haven't downloaded Bleach yet, but I plan to. I also have a TON of Disney cartoons; everything from Snow White to Wall-E, and that was another 100 GB. I had to get an external harddrive just to keep everything on! \:eek\: People look at me like I'm just CRAZY; I'm a frikkin grown woman STILL crying over Beauty and the Beast! \:D lmao. Mommy and I LOVE Beauty and the Beast, and the Lion King and such \:\) . Avatar is PHENOMENAL--even though it's an anime ripoff it is so GOOD that you forget the show was written by a bunch of Americans! \:P They REALY thought that series through. \:\) I just can't stand Nickelodeon; every time I turn around they're changing the schedule on me, so I always get stuck watching the SAME seasons in this never-ending cycle! \:P When will I be able to catch up!? \:mad\: lol But I live eat and breathe cartoons and video games. It's the only thing keeping me sane \:wub\:

murfeelFeb 6, 2011

Yes, I think that was one of the biggest let-downs in anime: how the HECK could a company run out of money when they made INUYASHA!? They had us sit through--how many episodes long was that show again!? \:mad\: --and then had the NERVE to just drop the whole thing! Not even the four MOVIES saw the end of that ba&tard Naraku! \:mad\: Omg, the Swords of an Honorable Ruler movie: CLASSIC! \:D Inu-no-Taisho is just so COOL; I thought Lord Sesshomaru was hot, but his daddy was WAY too cool, with that DEEP voice of his! \:wub\: (sorry, having a fangirl moment over here! \:D )

ruhrpottboboFeb 5, 2011

Thanks fpr nice comment \:wub\:

murfeelFeb 4, 2011

\:\( I know; I still keep all my old VHS tapes with Yu Yu Hakusho on them; sometimes I'm really in the mood for oldies but goldies and i end up spending an entire day in front of my TV watching Yu Yu or Rurouni Kenshin or Cowboy Beebop or...urgh, TRIGUN! \:wub\: Omg and don't get me started on Wolf's Rain; even my MOTHER would sit down and watch that with me, a few years ago! \:rah\: I keep all of my anime tapes; every time I move somewhere I drag at least 3 boxes full of nothing but anime! \:P There really isn't anything out right now that I'm interested in, aside from Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach & Naruto, though Naruto seemed to go on and on and on, to me \:P Have a great rest of the week! \:\) \:wub\:

murfeelJan 20, 2011

Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I saw your avatar and just HAD to compliment you on your choice! \:D I used to watch Yu Yu Hakusho ALL the time a few years ago! Seeing your avatar just brought bak really good memories! \:\) Thanks, and have a great day! \:D

Janthie78Dec 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

YoukoKitty=3Oct 21, 2010

Hello and Thanks \:D Your very much Welcome. They all are just so Beautiful, that I cant stop looking through your page!!

ziggy28Oct 15, 2010

\:D Hello and welcome to TSR \:rah\: Thank you for your comments on my creations \:D Im glad that you liked them \:D Happy simming \:rah\:

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