Zahia (3771879)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

MAX Eyelashes
Published Jun 17, 2011
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
•Hi there! I'm Zahia, and I love the sims 3!•
I am a young girl and I live in a small town in England, UK. I love it here, whether it's rain or sunshine!
I love making things for the sims 3, so I hope you enjoy my creations as much as I love making them ^^
If you have any requests as such, please email me at:
My aim on here is to become an SA, or maybe even an FA if I was lucky! So, I will try my best to provide you all with good quality items!! ^^
Thank you! (•^.^•)
My Latest Updates Show All
New Items Coming soon, Pinky Swear!! ^.^Written Jul 05, 2011
Hey everyone, Okay, so I haven't really posted anything for a while, and I was just looking at the downloads of my things just then and they've all done pretty well. So, I thought to myself "Why the heck aren't you making anything?!" so I decided to post why :) Okay, so I finish school next week for my 7 week Summer Break (which I'm looking forward to very much xD). However,... ...More
Sims 3 = Fixed! :DWritten Jun 08, 2011
Ah, I thought that I should let you all know that my Sims 3 is fixed! :D I'm really happy because I didn't have to buy a new one, I just needed to have my computer (as in the real thing, not in the documents etc) taken apart and cleaned out XO And then everything was fixed! ^^ So, more items on the way! :D ...More
No more makeup for a while :(Written Jun 05, 2011
Today, I had some problems with my Sims 3 game, so I uninstalled it and now it won't install, so until I get a new game, there won't be any items from me :( It's quite upsetting for me really because the Sims 3 was something I'd do to help me relax after a hard day, and it was a great escape from the real world. However, it's not the end of the Sims 3 or my items for me, because I will be... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsJun 15, 2011
Hi there! thank you so much for commenting on our little creations! We hope you have a wonderful day!! *KISSES*