agaumer (576504)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Charming Victorian, Maxis...
Published Nov 7, 2007
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PralinesimsAug 17, 2012
Thank you for taking the time to comment!! I wish you a wonderful weekend!!! big hugssss♥
MoonlitMaidenMar 14, 2008
Hi, nice of you to leave such a lovely comment in my blog. Thanks for the good wishes! It's really nothing serious, just some recurrent back and sciatic pain that makes it difficult to spend long stretches of time at the computer. A consequence of not giving myself the pampering I so richly deserve! Gina
MsBarrowsNov 28, 2007
Glad to hear you liked my Crazy Clutter - it was a lot of fun to work on