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alicia7tommy's Guestbook

SIMcredible!Sep 7, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my cold talk shot \:\)

squeakersSep 6, 2008

\:D Hi Alicia, thank you for your comment on my screenshot of M.J's pond, I'm delighted that you liked it so much. I love seeing comments from you, they are always so nice, and really make my day!!!!\:D Have a great weekend, hugs, Denise\:D

joker52455Sep 2, 2008

thanks for commenting the mckudon legacy! \:rah\: I don't know if I'll have time to work on the story this week with school starting \:\( I'm taking a million extra classes

Aloha KaySep 1, 2008

Hi and thank you for the comments on my screenshots. I was slightly taken aback when you stated that Shepherd looks like a woman and wanted to know why simmers always make men look girly. \:wacko\: My reply to that is that I did it on purpose for a story . . . well his hair anyway. Everything else about him is perfectly masculin. In my story he has a deep fear of sharp objects (which explains the scruff on his face as well as the long hair), he however was about to get his hair cut in that screenshot. He was doing it to make a special occasion where he would ask his girlfriend to marry him. I personally don't purposfully make men look girly or woman look maleish. If it happens, it's my lack of creative skill. It's hard to make a simulated man look like a guy, especially if they are to have longer hair.Thanks for the rest of your comments though. \;\)

Rabold8Sep 1, 2008

Thanks for the comment on my screenshot, I always love feedback! \:D

Charmed-one-Tammy!Aug 29, 2008

Well i didn't just sign your guestbook when you commented on my story. I signed it because you asked a question, I try to answer all questions asked wherever on here as best as i can =) Thanks for sending a comment on mine XD Regards~ Tammy xxx

crystal_89Aug 27, 2008

Thankyou for taking the time to leave a lovely comment on my screenshot, im glad you liked it (sorry it took a while to get back to you) have a great day/night and happy simming, crystal \:D

squeakersAug 25, 2008

\:D Hi Alicia, thank you so very much for your lovely comments on my ponds, I'm so glad to know that you enjoy them so much!\:D Keep your eyes open, I'll be doing ponds for awhile, I just can't stop creating them, I keep getting new ideas all the time!!!LOL Cats are great pets, the ones onmy page are just a few of what we used to own, we had 16 at one time!!!LOL The grey kitty with the new baby ended up having 2 in her first litter, 5 on her next litter, and 4 on her last one!!!Her daughter from the first litter had 4 little ones, we were busy for awhile, unfortunately we had to get rid of them cause my husband is allergic to cats!\:\( Than you again for your wonderful comments, you really make my day!!!\:D Hugs, Denise

Aloha KayAug 24, 2008

Thanks for your comment on my screenshot. \:D

Charmed-one-Tammy!Aug 23, 2008

Thank you for that very nice comment =). To be honest i have forgotten where i got that hairstyle, if you go onto, then search for kate beckinsale in the search for sims one of them has the same hair but brown, try to see where you have to download it from =). I also use sites such as - Raonsims XM sims Peggy sims Liana sims

agapi rAug 22, 2008

Thank you very much for your nice comment on my latest screenshoot \:\) Have a good evening \:D

suedeheadAug 22, 2008

Thanks for the nice comment and rating on my screenshot! Have a good day \:\)

squeakersAug 22, 2008

\:D Hi again Alicia, I got the gnome fountain here at TSR, they were created by DOT, and they look awesome in the game!!!\:D

squeakersAug 22, 2008

\:o Hi Alicia, Thank you so very much for all your comments on my pond screenshots, it warms my heart to know that you enjoy my creations so much!!!You are so sweet, and you really made my day, I haven't smiled this much for awhile, my head is so big right now I can barely get it through my doorways!LOL\:o Have a wonderful day, hugs, Denise\:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 21, 2008

Thank you for your comment on Corwin and his family (the boy in a wheelchair). \:cool\: To answer your question it is just a chair as far as the Sims are concerned. It's from Windkeeper but off of MTS2. Corwin is the real life son of one of the readers of my Matt & Jenny story. \:\) There are 19 chapters to the "Matt & Jenny" story if you're interested. \:D Have a great day. \:rah\:

muaxxx2004Aug 21, 2008

hi, thank you to read my story. Soon you will know why she is so interest in meeting Brittany and you are right, she is dedicated to her work, in which you will know why in next part!

Xander123Aug 20, 2008

Hi Again Alicia\:D , thank you for commenting in my screenshots \:\) whit "move objects on" i can do everithing!!! I hope you have a nice day \:rah\:

DirtdevillAug 20, 2008

Hi, Alicia!\:D Your welcom and thank you for signing my guestbook! You don't have be ashamed about giving the wrong url. It's not your fault, it's the very strange system on e.a's Simpages. I'll try to explain how it works: Everyone who's logged in at e.a gets the same url without the users ID. The only way to see the complete url for your Simpage is to log out and press on your Ava picture. He, he, what a stupid system, isn't it?\:D Anyway, I know how to find Simpages by experience. I'll visit your page to have a look again and sign your guestbook. I'm sory that I've forgotten to do that, it's beause I was very short in time.\;\) Grtz, Erica

Xander123Aug 20, 2008

Hi Alicia\:\), thank you for comment and rate in my screenshot "Iwanna Kill you" If you do like you can see whats happened after \:ph34r\:

squeakersAug 20, 2008

\:o Hi Alicia, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your comment on my screenshot of Westfield's pond again, I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much!\:D Sometimes I'm afraid people will get tired of my pond shots, but I love creating them so much I can't stop, I keep getting idea's for new ones. Your comment put a huge smile on my face, and you really made my day!\:D I hope you keep on enjoying my screenies, and everyone else's, and have a wonderful day!!!!!\:wub\: Denise

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