alienman (2450029)
About Me
mmm no tengo naa que decir, soi de bogot�, colombia me gusta too lo oscuro, lo moderno, me interesa mucho el dise�o de interiores i la arquitectura, me gusta crear casas i ps voi a empezar dentro de poco a subirlas akip...emm.. no me importa lo q los demas dicen de mi i ps ia ese soi io AH i tengo uina obsesion mui grande con MCR! la meXor banda del MUNDO!!! XD
mmm i got nothing to say, im from bogot�, colombia i like the dark and modern things, im interested in the interiors design and the architecture,i like to build houses and im going to start to submit here..emm.. i dont care what the other says about me and... this is me. AH and i have a big obsession with MCR! the best band in the WORLD!!! XD
My Guestbook Show All
deeiutzaAug 29, 2010
Hello!I just stopped by to thank you for your nice comment you left on my 'Corner Bathroom'!
AngelaAug 11, 2010
Oh now i forgot to mention the wall.. I extracted it from Sims2 Homecrafter and imported it in EA's patterntool. Therefor it's not properly recolourable though so it's not uploaded anywere.
AngelaAug 11, 2010
Hi there, Thank you so much for your comment