alison1550 (138051)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The York
Published Jan 31, 2006
About Me
I live in a quaint little village, affectionately known as Hooterville. I'm married with 3 teenaged daughters and 3 cats....and five computers. I stay up far too late at night creating and decorating houses. I currently have 30 homes and counting in play. I've got everything so far except for House Party, and I'm chicken to try TSO because here in Hooterville we use 56k dialup and consider that pretty speedy! Pre-computer days I designed hand knit wear and I'm currently turning that into skins
My Guestbook Show All
spacemouseMay 28, 2007
Hi! Thank you for the comment on my Ergo Supreme Dining Chair Spark Series. Happy Simming!
NomiLuFeb 18, 2007
Thank you! I am very glad you liked the teen sweater set!!
Happy simming!
TabbyLouFeb 10, 2007
Hello & Welcome to TSR. I am so glad you like my recolors of the community lot Tempest Stove. I wish they could be used on residental lots too! Keep On Simmin'! Enjoy!