amythestfenix (766599)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (137 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Black Bath Rugs & Towels...
Published Oct 8, 2006
About Me
I am a member of TSRAA; so feel free to use any of my work in your TSR lots (actually, since I'm not a Featured Artist, you can use any of my work in ANY lot you upload ANYWHERE! Unless it uses a mesh by someone else; then check whether THEY will let you use it, OK?) I made it to be used, and I'm thrilled if people want to use it; you don't have to ask or give credit. I would prefer that you don't claim it as yours, but mostly because then it looks like I stole YOUR work, and I don't think that would be fair, do you?
More of my work can be found @ The Laden Swallow: Amythest's FlyingCircus]
My Guestbook Show All
eviJul 10, 2009
Happy Birthday! I can't believe one year has passed already
charrayFeb 09, 2009
Just wanted to say I love your creations You did an amazing job on them. Thanks so much for the work and for sharing them
cfoley1215Sep 21, 2008
You have such lovely items. Thanks!