angiex (1603295)
About Me
Hello everyone, i'm angie. i live in england uk. i don't knnow what to put to be honest. I like to write stories for here. I'm not a writing expert but i enjoy taking all the pictures and putting everything together to make a nice little story. I want to start taking screens shots and if anyone has any tips for me write in my guest book. Thanks for all the people who give me feedback on my stories, i think it motivates me to write more. x
My Guestbook Show All
agapi rApr 11, 2009
Hi, thank you for your comment on my screenshot, I´m glad that you
liked it If you would like to see a bigger version take a look here Happy Easter
agapi rJan 12, 2009
Hi, thank you for your comment on my screenshot, i´m glad that you liked it About the picture, the girl has a simpose, but I dont rebember which one I used and the guy did some ballet exercise and just when he lifted his arm it looked like he had his arm around her waist and I took a picture. And then I took a picture on him from the front and one of her hand that she has around his waist. And then I put all the pieces togheter in photoshop. But I always try to do as much as possible on the poses in game and sometimes I have to frankensten it
NewtlcoJan 11, 2009
Hello! Thank you for that beautiful comment on my GB.I really appreciate your feedback.I am so so glad that you liked them.Have a nice year too Newt