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anicade88's Guestbook

weirdfaerieJan 8, 2007

POOSY!!!!! Typical, I really wanted you to come online tonight because I want your Deviantart name again. Me, being a dumbo, lost it \:mad\: Marvelous (Love that word muahahahahaaa) But the reason I want it is cos I know you had a photo closeup of your eye. I want to draw it on psp \:D \:D \:D So pwetty pwease tell meee!!! I hope everything is okay pumpkin *Smooch* Your TIFFYPOOS

weirdfaerieJan 7, 2007

Oh oh and young man!! It might be wise not to rant so much about another TSr member on a GB! What if you get banned??? What would I do then?? Well, talk to you elsewhere teehee but who would I talk to on tsr?? Um, well, a lot of people (I am miss. popular now \:D \;\) You still my only Poosy though!!!) but I'd miss you \:\( I understand what you mean though. She does need to be reported but Nary wants to leave it so we will \:\) It's probably best just to forget, ignore and get on with things \:D I am gonna go pm Nary but I need a sleep first \:confused\: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

weirdfaerieJan 7, 2007

i'm meant to be resting but I wanted to reply to your comments \:wub\: I've missed speaking to you on here \:D I'm still feeling bad that I haven't been emailing you much lately. Just I'm not very well and it seems a lot of hard work \:rolleyes: I haven't spoken to kd since before Christmas so it must be reeeally hard work \:P But I think GBEntrying might be easier for me at the moment... As I can't write too much, and I don't like emailing if it is only a few lines. You should see my "About me" though. Took forever to write and I felt wrectehed afterwards!! i'm soooo pweased you like my avvie!! I made it myself YAY!!! So, I shall go and rest then like a good girl \;\) loves you!!! Tifa \:ph34r\:

weirdfaerieJan 7, 2007

Teeheehee thankyou for the GB comments my favourite widdle Poosy \:D The "Teeheehee" by the way was because you silly munchkin, yes the colour scheme is cos of kudos *woop I am kudo rich!!* but you have enough to get the colour thingy to you know \:P It's 2500 and once you have it you can change the colour as often as you like without forking out once more \:D I keep changing mine from pink to grey!! I wish I'd got it sooner though (I only brought it the other day) as at Christmas you could get a red one. It is a really cool red too. Like blood \:ph34r\: I want it bad \:\( You know I love vamps \:ph34r\:

weirdfaerieJan 4, 2007

Hewo Poosy. I shall email you in a seccy but thought I'd post here aswell... You've dissapeared *pouts* I hope you comey back soon... I'm sorry for not emailing you much... Been icky still >< Wubs ya, Take care Tifaaa

weirdfaerieDec 31, 2006

Poosy woosy pudding pie \:D Just done some more thankying of your wonderful creationys. You seem to have got disconnected on messenger... Anywho, I am just going to have a resty. I feel icky today... thinkying of you your squishy royalness! Tifa \:wub\:

weirdfaerieDec 12, 2006

\:D Guess whoooo!!!!! \:D Its ME!!! Your one and only Tiffypoos *Smooches* I have come back onto the wondrous TSR after being poorly and thought I'd GB your attack... Er, That was my brain fuddleness but its cute so I left it in \;\) Anyway, peoples flying by this ere GB would be thinking that I have completely abandoned you! \:eek\: As if!! I would never leave your side if I could find strong enough glue... The truth isss I never know where to talk to you via email, GB or on IM *DEcisions decisions* But I thought I might aswell pop here for tonight. I hope Christmas comes soon \:\( I want to be able to talk with you again... *Pouts* Oh well, Niighty Night

Sergeykins332Oct 28, 2006

heheh always have been,always will im a gurl

weirdfaerieOct 26, 2006

I'm sorta well \:D and ready to retake my domination \:ph34r\: though, i think since you met me everyone else has run off... Did I scare them do you think? \:\( sorry... Ah, if they are scared of the wonderful squishy tifa they must be wuss's! I'm a puddycat \:wub\:

weirdfaerieOct 16, 2006

How do you know I haven't gone steady with Muff? Um, what exactly does gonesteady mean? \:o I should find that out before I jump on my high-horse \;\) And you don't 'play' with dolls like pullips or bjd. You never 'play'! You either put them on show in boxes \:puke\: Don't see the point in that... If you are to buy dolls you should have fun with them, right? But not 'play' \:P You just... Dress them up, pose them, and take photos of them \:D Make stories out of them... Sorta like the sims just in doll format... Ok... I guess it is playing... But it is a very mature way of playing \:o I'm gonna go email then cos I don't wanna get skinned alive by The TSR Ninjas \:eek\:

weirdfaerieOct 16, 2006

Haha boy you got confused with the whole Ambika thing \:P Nopey, My friend Bianka, has a friend called Ambika and Ambika is from Bangledesh \:\) It was just a random fact I'd thought I'd share with ye \:o Does Ambika mean flesh eating desease? I like it \:ph34r\: I may have to name one of my children that \:ph34r\: I really wanna name a daughter Absinthe after the alchohol/poison. Gothic evil names rock \:ph34r\: Far better then Tiffany \:rolleyes:

weirdfaerieOct 16, 2006

I'm not just imaganing it! The guys round here are total creeps. They go for collarbones... \:\( You think I lied *sobs* & *cries* & *sobs some more* Bah, sobbing is boring \:P But mister, how is my ambigram going \;\) Oh and the thing thats going on here.. I think it will all be staying for good.... \:confused\: If you want I will gladly tell you whats happening in an email. I don't mind. I just haven't told you because... Well, the last time I told somebody... They stopped talking to me. "Judged" me. It happens a lot \:\( People can be so narrow minded! \:mad\: So now I just hide it from everyone just in case... But tell me if you want to know and I'll tell ya \:D *Wonders what he thinks it is* It probably ain't as bad as it sounds. I cope \:\) Just some people can't... Weaklings \;\)

weirdfaerieOct 16, 2006

\:D You are marvelous indeedy Anikkypoos! \:P You make me smile anyway \:D Thanks for being so understanding about me not emailing \:\) I really loved the programme. Though, to be honest, it ended too... Nicely... I was hoping for a really tragic sad ending, but it wasn't *grumbles* It was so awesome until the end \:\( Why couldn't he have died in the fire? Or at least got seriously disfigured... But no, he just gets blind... My Mum says that it is tragic him losing his sight, but if you ask me he was ten times hotter blind! \:confused\: I go for the-weirder-the-better logic when it comes to men. I love em battered and rugged and grumpy \:wub\: But anyway \:P Whereas all the other episodes were 10/10 that had to be 8/10. You so want my rating huh \;\)

anicade88Oct 16, 2006


anicade88Oct 16, 2006


weirdfaerieOct 15, 2006

hehe i had to copy and paste the last GB entry because i put it in mine instead \:o pllllleaseeee re-dominate my GB so i can forget my silliness! \:P plllleeeeaseeee! hehe oooh, i don't have time to email you \:\( The last part of Jane Eyre is on. I cannot miss it! I love literature. Apparently that means I am incredibly clever. According to Muff. Well, to be honest I am clever. I just cannot be bothered with cleverness. It's no fun if you ask me! Anyway, I shall email you tomorrow poosy! I shall send you three in reply and one more for good luck \;\) Sees you Mister Sugar plum fairy \:D > Your one and only Tiffypoos

weirdfaerieOct 15, 2006

Hehe no, guys staring at my collarbones just frustrates me. I hate it believe me! And I'll let you into a secret about my 'beauty' in one of my emails Awwww! You sound like such a sweeet big brother! Oh, I wish I had a big brother like that I'm the youngest of seven, i have 5 sisters and a brother, but he is nothing like a big brother should be. He steals anything not nailed down, he is really rude and obnoxious and unkind... We were really close when we were little but then something bad happened to me and everything in my life changed. Including the close relationship I once had with my bro. Now we have very little to do with each other. It's sad Your sister is very lucky indeed! She may not know it, but without you, you would be sorely missed

weirdfaerieOct 15, 2006

Sowwy, had to eat some chicken \:P And then I came back and got distracted by a huge gushing session over dolls and manga with my friend jeshii. We have not touched a sore spot though. The whole Muff thing. Gah. I'm so depressed now \:\( I just wanna go over to the other side of the room and stick my hands into the fireplace... *Thinks happy thoughts and throws magic jellybeans all over Anikky* Ooh, my friendy Bianka has a friend from Bangy \:D Shes called *thinks* Ambika. A very prettyful name \:\) Shes a muslim, apparently muslimity is very big in Bangy. So now I know something else about Bangy \;\) Though I don't know anything about the religon \:P I'm dense me \:D But you just love the craziness so what does the stupidity matter? \:rah\:

weirdfaerieOct 15, 2006

Awww! Nasty friendsdaddy for wanting to saw you head off with a chain \:mad\: *Pokes Anikkypoos' friendsdaddy with a huge stick* There \:mad\: *Blows raspberry at the nasty man* & *squishes her Anikypoosywoosy* Your safe now \:\) \:D I'm glad you found the Lilyghostskelly story touching! It reduced me to tears when I read about her \:\( I'm just a huge wussy though \:P Grrr... My neck hurts... My back hurts... And I am sooo hungry because I can smell the simply divine roast chicken cooking in the oven. I love chicken... Mhmmm.... Chicken... *Drools* [Tifa is having a small recess to rest her neck and wipe up all the saliva dripping from her mouth. She will be back in 5...4...3...2...1...]

weirdfaerieOct 15, 2006

Muahahahahahaaaa! I am still the reigning Queen of your GB \:ph34r\: But I am pleased you have managed to redominate mine \;\) THough I should be getting some more random GB entries soon as I *hope* to tackle my download-ratings. I rate/comment every single thing I D/L but the pile is growing soooo huge... I have 2773 to rate \:eek\: \:confused\: It would be more to if I could get the darn theme weeks to work... I think I quite possibly do more D/Ling then actually playing the game \:o I don't want to though *pouts* But I always get so *oooh, me want that, me want that, and that and that...* That I have to get them! And mister, I may complain because I wanna see more things from you \:P Especially in the vein of bloodlust \:ph34r\: I love me vamps! \:ph34r\:

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