annabluu (6372846)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (23 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
About Me
Hi! I'm annabluu and I make custom content for the Sims 4.
If you have any WCIF, please post them on my Tumblr here:
Please note that I don't look at WCIF requests on my creations.
Recolors are allowed as long as you don’t include the mesh or use my texture.
You can re-upload my content to other sites, but do not claim them as your own.
You can convert my meshes to sims 2 and sims 3, but please shoot me a message before doing so and give me credit.
Ask me if you want to convert my mesh to another game
No modifying my meshes.
Terms of Use
Recolors are allowed as long as you don’t include the mesh or use my texture.
You can re-upload my content to other sites, but do not claim them as your own.
You can convert my meshes to sims 2 and sims 3, but please shoot me a message before doing so and give me credit.
Ask me if you want to convert my mesh to another game
No modifying my meshes.