annavalker (5493088)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

White Spruce
Published Feb 27, 2014
About Me
Hi!!! My name is Anna Marie :3
I LOVE: playing the Sims 3 (But I don't have any Expansion Packs *cries*) cats,ice-cream,books,creepy stuff (yeah,i'm weird),cute clothes,cats,pastel colors,girly stuff,video-games,cats,and a LOT more.
Currently I'm just starting a little project to make Lots for everbody to enjoy (Especially the ones who only have Base Game and are always conflicted when finding lots *sadness*) and maybe,someday,I'll make clothes,hairstyles,that's my dream (:
I now that I'm a noob,but I promise I'll get better (; Anyway,Thanks!!!
My Latest Updates Show All
2 New lots coming soon!Written Feb 22, 2014
Hi!!! Im sorry! D: I usually upload a lot every two days,because I am crazy excited with this little "Lot" project I've started. But,sadly,I couldn't publish any recently.Yesterday I uploaded 3 lots.I was super happy,but....they were all rejected for the same reason,the front view was too far from the lot. IT WASN'T! So...yeah,I'll take some more screenshots of... ...More
Ugh! *Rage*Written Feb 19, 2014
Hi!!!,I'm angry.Just like that. I'm usually the happiest, craziest and weirdest girl alive I'm just angry. D: And this unusual anger is because TSR Submission likes to mess with me. First,when I was trying to upload a new lot,I couldn't! The site would freeze JUST after I clicked the "Upload" Button. UUUUGHHHH! But,apparently,that's not... ...More
Lily Love Lake was approved!Written Feb 17, 2014
Hi!!! I have some great news to tell ya: My community lot Lily Love Lake (Dedicated to Lily_chan) was approved! Yay! It's going to be published in Feb 18th (tomorrow) and I'm very happy (as always haha) Ok guys,that's all,I'm already thinking of making another house and maybe I'll make something like a....Wedding Park,maybe? Let me know what you... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Alexandra_SineFeb 21, 2014
Hi I hope you are having a wonderful day Thank you for the positive feedback *Big Hugs*
Christina51Feb 20, 2014
Anna Marie, thank you so much for your comment on my house, The Willows! I am so happy you like it! Have a wonderful week end!!
matomibotakiFeb 17, 2014
You are so king dear, really pleased about your nice comment on - Wide_View_Apartments - thanks a lot !!! Have a great week!