banhannah (2572955)
About Me
1) I play bassoon and am starting clarinet. I'm not amazing at sight reading and theory and the like, but I love music!
2) I'm sixteen, but feel around thirteen. Guess I just didn't grow up fast enough.
3) I crochet. It's really cool and not at all granny-ish. Well, I don't think so. But I'm probably biased.
4) I really like writing. Anything.
5) I feel the urge to design things. That's what I want to do when I'm all grown up.
6) Nobody calls me banhannah anymore. This was my account from WAY back that I lost the password to.
7) I am an absolute bookworm.
8) I love fantasy!
9) I've just uploaded my story! Hopefully it will be readable soon! It's fantasy!
10) Hugs are cool. I'm vegetarian. Smile.