bigbrother (3823090)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (17 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Jebediah's Lodge (Irish tavern)
Published Sep 7, 2012
About Me
I make lots. I make lots of lots.
I make lots with houses on them, I make lots with TV studios on them, I make lots where your Sims can party, and I make lots that work straight out of the box - I don't mess around with custom content or expansion packs.
My Latest Updates Show All
Can you pick what it is?Written Sep 09, 2012
Hello. I'm currently working on my largest, most involved, most exciting lot yet. It's taking its fair amount of time but construction is nonetheless very much underway and I thought I'd take the opportunity to share a few sneaky li'l peeks with you! It will become more obvious just what you're in for the more you scroll down, but a few surprises will be left until when the lot finally... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
TazzleberrryNov 16, 2013
i love your creations
thank you
NamisaApr 23, 2013
Well done for everything !!
I'll still have a look at your work.
ExtremePIEFeb 12, 2013
I've changed my mind. I'm going to write a story with your BB house! Thankyou for making it. If anyone sees this, it'd be a huge help if I could use a sim of your's for the house?