blonde007 (1529923)
About Me
i don't really upload stuff because i'm not quite sure how to?!?! But i love looking at the creations some of the talented people on this site share with eveyone.
i love art, crafts, textiles, photography and drama. I'm really artistic (if you hadn't already guessed)
. I one day hope to go to the London College Of Fashion!!!
I might also get to upload something one of these days too! But i don't think my contents is up to much compared to what some people create on here LOL!!!
My Guestbook Show All
estaticaMar 06, 2008
Hello! Thank you so much for leaving such a wonderful comment on Sutton Coldfield, I'm really happy and flattered that you liked it! Take care and happy simming
olcia_olivineaDec 30, 2007
Hi again I am really glad that you like my house Have a great day !
olcia_olivineaDec 17, 2007
Thank you for your lovely comment I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !