brucetsai13 (650354)
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**NEW & UPDATED** San Remo
Published Dec 30, 2006
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K@Oct 18, 2007
Hi, thanks so much for leaving me comment about Autumn style male clothes I appreciate it SO much! And you are always wellcome! I'll upload the new female set and bag's set today! I really don't remember where the car are from, but I suppose from carsource. ~Kate
simtomaticDec 30, 2006
Hi bruce! That was a really lovely thing to say - thank you! Appreciate you taking the time to download and post such a sweet comment. Thanks again, Sally
TigerblueDec 28, 2006
Hey it's a pleasure - thanks for the great comment! So pleased to hear you're finding the Georgian lots easy to play, it's a bit of a task convincing people that three or more floors can be easy if the lot is compact. Best wishes, Tiger