bucklewink (2688353)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (27 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Sep 5, 2010
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About Me
I'm friendly, quirky. The smallest of things makes me excited, like waiting for another expansion pack of the sims to come through my letter box! I have played the sims since sims 1. Recently picked up a copy of sims 2. I have to say there are so many things in the sims 2, that i wish were in the sims 3, but I think the sims 3 in slowly getting there and should be almost there when Late Night expansion pack comes out.
Apart from the sims I love movies, writing in my spare time and playing on Wii and Playstation 3. So looking forward to the console vison of the sims 3. Music: Placebo. Linkin Park, Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Prodigy and Josh Groban. I have very varied taste.
Well that's me. Thanks for looking at my page.
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My blogWritten Oct 13, 2010
Hey guys just to let you know i have my own blog. Where you can find some of my other sims. Check it out. http://sackgirl-digitalpeople.blogspot.com/ ...More
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PralinesimsMar 24, 2016
Howdy! ♥ Thank you so much for commenting! ♥
Kissssss ♥
PralinesimsMar 09, 2016
Hello ♥ Thank U so much for commenting!!
CandyDollukFeb 27, 2016
thank you for the comment