cabotinedew (613146)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Pink Amaryllis
Published Jun 11, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

oldpainting y
Published Mar 19, 2006
About Me
hi, i remember when i was 15 and a new game had been published. the sims
there where nothing i wantet so much that x-mas and it started my gaming life.
i loved my game and purchased everyone that came out. but i got bored and fall out and did not by the last two.
the there where sims 2, and i loved it... i still do i have every pack that came out, and only one i dont like. i started to play legacy challange and acolypse challange.
i wa so diseppointed over the sims 3. and the first pack keep chrashing my game, but i have learnd to like it more. it will never take the plase of the sims 2, but i like somethings.
now i slowly try to make things for the game, but im a newbe at this and therfore allredy apologize for things im doing wrong ;-)
ps: if anyone make a piano to sims 3 pleace tell me, i miss it.
My Latest Updates Show All
Goodbye world adventuresWritten Jul 05, 2010
i just got tired the game World adventures would have been a good game if it only worked. I really loved some of the things in that game. what i will miss the most is this lifetime rewards: NO MORE BILL, that reward was the best. heart of stone , to change likes, and the sleeping one. (hard to write down there true name, my Brochure is in Norwegian and my game in english)... ...More
3 new paintingsWritten Jun 06, 2010
today i made 3 new paintings, all from novica. i uploded one, but dont have time for more today. i want to play som too. hope you like it. ...More
time to bloggWritten May 27, 2010
im not god at making stories, so it will take som time before i ever get one out, i get so involvd whit my game that i forget to take pictures. i have publishd my first sims 3 item to day. a painting when i was looking at paintings on the nett i found a site whit beautifull pictures. ( . i desided to put some of them in my game and therfor had to learn how to do it.... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsFeb 07, 2010
thanks for commenting my stuff! im glad you like it have a wonderful week