candrew22004 (827893)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (74 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

StrangeTown Larkspur House
Published Jul 18, 2005
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About Me
'ow do,
My hubby and I bought and live in a church with 3 cats and 1 kitten. My hubby illustrates childrens books and gives me lots of pointers on my skinning. I play or do something related to the Sims2 every waking hour of the day...well almost. I share my time between my interests..singing in a band, knitting, beadworking, and the Sims2. If you like what I have recolored please sign my guest book.
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ShinoKCROct 09, 2008
Hi Cadrew! Thank you for commenting the PB Bathroom Tub so nice Huggles Renate
chellefleurSep 25, 2006
hi i love your creations thanks for sharing
Mary HerriottJul 10, 2005
I love your strangetown door. Thanks for sharing with us.