Community lot version now available!
If you are one of the kind users who tested the empty beta and have played it enough to not want to have to start all over again with the other version, I have also made the community lots with unusual sizes available at my site in the downloads section so you have access to every single community lot between what's published there and here at TSR. I placed those two lots at my site because they likely won't fit into the worlds the majority of TSR members are using.
Also, I DID build a small park to place near the waterfall, believe it or not! It is actually a campground available here at TSR. Apparently tents do not like to function properly if built into a world prior to being exported from Create-A-World, but it works perfectly fine if downloaded separately and placed into an installed world in the actual game, so no worries.
Many, many thanks to all those who have provided such wonderful feedback.

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