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canuckdiva's Guestbook

debra_zebraSep 3, 2015

Such beautiful lots! Thank you for uploading your creations to share, they are amazing and you are my new community lot crush \:\)

JCIssetteJul 13, 2011

Good morning, Canu and thanks for that great comment on Atlantis. Does this mean you actually downloaded it or just looked at my blog pictures? I could not tell. LOL Either way, I am excited that you liked it so much. I am up early waiting to leave for the surgery clinic. I am having corrective surgery done on my foot this morning and I sure dread it, but it has to be done. The problem is thta I will have to have the other one done later. Not looking forward to either, but hopefully it will be worth it to wear some real shoes again. LOL Well, got to run. Keep in touch. Many hugs, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteJul 11, 2011

Great to see your name again, Canu!\:wub\: I thought you had completely disappeared. It sounds like you have made some major life changes. Good luck on your job search. You will do well, I am sure. I can't blame you a bit on not playing Sims. Right now, you have bigger priorities in your life. Thanks for the sweet remarks on my new world. It has been a huge success with over 1000 downloads since it was launched the last of May. It was even featured on one site. I am very pleased with the response. Heck, I really enjoy playing the world myself. I have an EA couple that I am kind of attached to, so I play them in Atlantis. I am working on a new medieval world right now. It is going to have something very special in it. I hope to have it finishd by October or sooner. It was so good to hear from you. I hope you will get to check in with us once and while to let me know how you are doing. Good luck with the job hunt, sweetie. Big hug, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteMay 10, 2011

Good morning, Canu! Good to hear from you. Were you deleting your DCCache file? It is the the DCBackup file that you were supposed to be deleting. I did resolve the packaging problem once I reinstalled all my CC and my DCBackup was restored. There seems to be no problem now.  Ugh! A reinstall, huh? That was extreme, but sometimes necessary. Right now, all is well with my game. I have been taking a break with my world, but am working on it again. I have been testing it in the game and saw a few little things I want to fix on some of my lots. The world is playing great so far. I am really enjoying playing it. Well, let me hear from you. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteApr 25, 2011

Good morning and Happy Belated Easter greetings. Hope you had a good one. Ours was lazy and great with just the two of us. What have you been up to? I have been doing some EA lot remodels. I had never even looked at the lots in Sunset Valley as I always built my own, but after seeing a couple, I just had to remodel them. LOL I am trying to commit to my world this week and get it presented. I have taken a break for too long. Have a great week and hugs, Judy.\:wub\:

sara_ashleyApr 24, 2011

~O~Happy Easter and yours creations are great~O~

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:

JCIssetteApr 7, 2011

Things are getting better. LOL I had carpet laid last week and I am trying to work through the cleaning and putting things back in order. It would be easier to move. LOL Also, we disconnected my computer and when my husband wired back up, he put too much at one time on it and it blew out some of my equipment and I also lost my hard drive. I had to have a tech out to use his bag of tricks to get it running again. I was so relieved to see the Windows come up and all my data intact. I have a backup site online, but still having to reinstall everything would have been major. I am exhausted with all the cleaning and such and now it is yard time. GRRRR!\:\(  It is something all the time with a house. I am liking the condo idea more and more. LOL Hope you are well. Hopefully, I can start submitting some houses soon. I am almost ready to present my new world, but want to test it one more time. I am anxious to start a new one. Chat soon. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

jmi-lu9999Apr 6, 2011

No probz at all i think i've downloaded all your creations so far can't wait to find more \:wub\:

JCIssetteMar 27, 2011

Hey Canu! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on Cornwall Castle.\:D  I had such fun buiidling it. I built several until I got burned out on them. You know how that is.:P  Are you working on a new world now? I am still working on Atlantis. I am tweaking lots now. It won't be long though. Then I can start my next one. LOL We are so addicted, aren't we?\:D Have a great week and hugs, Judy.\:wub\:

sammiracicot373Mar 26, 2011

Absolutely amazing \:\) Loving this world more and more!

PralinesimsMar 24, 2011

You´re so welcome!!! have a blessed thursday!!!\:rah\:\:rah\:\:rah\:

sammiracicot373Mar 24, 2011

Hi! It was mostly the small lots that are 18 by 16 I wasn't sure which went where but I've decided to just wait for the full version \:P I'm still downloading the lots cause they are much nicer than the usual EA ones. I'm getting my copy of the Sims medieval today, so hopefully there might be some more creative things in the new game \:\)

PralinesimsMar 23, 2011

  Hi\;\) thanks so much for the congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!\:wub\: thank you very much for your wonderful words!!!! We wish you a beautiful day!\:wub\: Happy simmin´\:rah\:\:rah\: Kata & Ivana  

Denise DesignsMar 21, 2011

hi Diva...thanks for being the very first to sign my guestbook and ur welcome for the comment...I look forward to viewing some more of ur work...happy gaming! :P

murfeelMar 21, 2011

I figured as much! \:wub\: Your stuff is breathtaking, really--btw, I checked out your blog, and ADORED your Isle of Aaru! \:wub\: I can't use it, of course, since I'm Base Game Only, but it was STUNNING to look at, at least. \:rah\:

JCIssetteMar 18, 2011

Hey, Canu! I saw your great comment on Pandora. Thanks for checking it out.\:D  I always love to have someone to talk CAW with, so I have bookmarked you. I will be checking up on you to see what you are up to. Feel free to pm me anytime. Us world builders need to stick together. \:D Well, a big hug, Judy\:wub\:

lilliebouJan 15, 2011

\:wub\: Hi ! Thanks a lot for your comment in my guestbook ! First, I'm glad that you like my house \:D I like to create houses without custom content, otherwise the file gets too big and it is possible to create beautiful things with the objects from the game. Have a nice day and thanks again for your comment !

Peachybitz1Apr 5, 2010

and Hey! Happy Easter \:rah\:

Peachybitz1Apr 5, 2010

Yep, broken in test game but fine in CAW, it was ok in map view but as my test sim cycled near it, it appeared! I've fiddled with it since that blog, added waves, built some lots..worked out how to have invisible paths (\;\)), so I don't know if I've fixed it yet! And the bridge! Gosh, that was a headache, couldn't figure out how to place and use the road, plopped all the rocks down, then realised that i couldn't select certain ones because they were all too close together..and the rapids were 'floating' \:D \:D..but I'm near to completion of a basic no lot world! Yay! and I didn't bother with non-routable paths, i just let her wander where she wants \;\) Have fun with yours \:\) Eveyone is going to need them, because I've got a feeling EA aren't going to be making any, anytime soon

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