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cariadbach's Guestbook

twinkletoeJul 15, 2008

I came over to respond to your post and now I can't remember what I was going to say\:D See it happens to everyone. I got distracted by the question in your guest book as to if you had a nickname. Jane with no nickname. I have pondered a nickname for Jane. And never have I ever come bye and bye... to land on a nickname for that Jane. She is so clever that Jane naming Twinks so one would thinks that Twinks could think and find a nickname for Jane with no nickname.\:D lol

hiedibear75Jul 15, 2008

Oh I'm so glad you liked chapter #12 of Matt & Jenny. \:wub\: Glad you liked the way I handled HIS end of their 1st woo hoo, didn't think flat out saying he took a viagra was too appropriate. \;\) LOL \:o Anyway......I've been working on #13; oddly enough the 1st set of pictures I took (I had ALL the pix I needed to write it) got DELETED.....LOST.......GONE......BYE-BYE! \:eek\: Now I've gotta start over again.\:mad\: Good thing I'm not too superstitious. \:ph34r\: I'll let you know when the next chapter is out.\:cool\: Have a great day.

hiedibear75Jul 14, 2008

Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on chapter #11 of Matt & Jenny. \:cool\: I'm glad they were still close enough to the "old Matt & Jenny" for you to still enjoy. \:rah\: Chapter #12 is already published. \:D Have a great week.\:wub\: Hope it's not a let down after vacationing in Spain.\;\) LOL \:P Take care.\:wub\:

qvisnJul 14, 2008

Twinks is having a laugh at you, those flippin spelling catch us out sometimes.\:P Thanks for commenting on my Distraction tactics screenie, of course she is wearing your workout suit, most of my sims have them.\:D

twinkletoeJul 14, 2008

Have just been to Shirley's and read your cupboards are bear. Wow what do you have grizzlys are black bears. lol I didn't know you had those in Wales lol. \:D Twinks

qvisnJul 14, 2008

I cant send you a PM either now. anyway Sho's baby is due about the same time as cinders and my new one so all is fine, we talked in the forums here and in my GB in the last couple of weeks, she is back on here now but not a lot. She must be going to college too.\:P

qvisnJul 14, 2008

I cant get on my page today or the front page, dont know whats wrong, i can get into my GB though. Hope you got lots of cake.\:P

hiedibear75Jul 14, 2008

I've got yet another chapter of Matt & Jenny for everyone to enjoy......or be subjected to, all a matter opinion. LOL \:D Hope you'll like what happens.\;\) SIM you around & take care.\:wub\:

qvisnJul 14, 2008

Got lost on F.Book and then went over to simshack for a while, hope you are rested now, off to a ******** course in the morning, chat after that. Nos Da Jane.\:wub\:

samcactus101Jul 13, 2008

HI!!!!!! Thanks for the greetings! HA i'm finally 18 & i feel all grown up\:D. I can FINALLY enter a CASINO, lol\:P \:D \:P I DID have a weekend, hopefully i can do another weekend getaway sometime... Hey do you have nickname I can call ya?\:confused\: \;\)

hiedibear75Jul 13, 2008

I uploaded #12 of Matt & Jenny.\:cool\: I said I was going to try & get them out'd I do? \:P LOL Hope you like this one as well.\;\) It's only you'll have to wait for TSR. \:ph34r\:

twinkletoeJul 12, 2008

It'll be good to have you back\:D

hiedibear75Jul 12, 2008

I'm glad you still like Matt & Jenny.\:cool\: I'm very happy I was able to bring them back.......but also make them close enough to keep everyone happy (I was kinda worried they wouldn't be close enough) .\:D So did you have fun in Spain? Learn to ask for the cab.\;\) LOL Take care.\:wub\:

midland_04Jul 12, 2008

cariadbach, I'm at 16,300 and it's taking ages to get the last 3,500. I've ran out of polls that I haven't done, I'm running out of screenshots that I can rate and comment on, so I'm down to uploading sets, and answering comments/posting in guestbooks. Not that I mind, I like talking to everyone here, they're all friendly, but the polls and screenshots really helped. LOL I was doing challenges there for a while, but it was taking me too long to complete them, compared to points I could get for recolors. Have a good evening. Midland_04 \:cool\:

midland_04Jul 12, 2008

cariadbach, I know I've commented on some of your stuff before, and I have voted in your poll, but I stumbled across a comment in a friend of mine's guestbook. I am also looking for Kudos for a mini-site. I don't know if you have been to my page/bookmarked me or not, but if you could, I'd appreciate it! \:D Have a wonderful evening, and thanks in advance. Midland_04 \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 12, 2008

I got Matt & Jenny published! \:rah\: I hope you'll still love reading their story.\:cool\: Take care & hope you enjoyed your vacation. \:wub\:

qvisnJul 12, 2008

\:rah\: we did it\:rah\: now for the really hard part, i had to make my own swimwear as i cant find any for teens, only adults. crashed the PC due to all the stuff i have DL lately and i will have to get rid of it after this is over\:eek\: I knew it would explode one day\:P have a good flight, see you sunday.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 10, 2008

I've got a new story coming out soon.......chapter 11 of Matt & Jenny. \:cool\: I've been up ALL night making the I'm off to bed......FINALLY. \;\) \:cool\: Take care.\:wub\:

tambriahJul 10, 2008

your welcome

hiedibear75Jul 9, 2008

He he he he he.......I know a PC that's going to get a big fat kiss.\:P \;\) \:cool\: \:wub\: I've been reading your posts around town so to speak........yes nothing like a hunk of junk to make you appreciate what you have.\:P \:D Say when you get back from Spain you'll have to stop by say "hi" or "hola". \;\) Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation. Hasta luego. \:D :P

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