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cariadbach's Guestbook

qvisnJul 9, 2008

the clutch has gone on the hire car \:eek\: el embrague ha ido en el coche del alquiler. you should have asked me, or get babel fish on your laptop\:P we have more rain today, means the porch will have to wait, i have to go buy a new bellpush, how exciting is that\:P Have a good day.

hiedibear75Jul 9, 2008

Oh boy have I got a hot tip for you.\:cool\: Go to shadow66 , she's got a blog that you've GOT TO see.\:rah\: She's been making some mythical paintings with unicorns and her page! \:eek\: Sim you soon.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 9, 2008

I'd like you to go and read my blog if you wouldn't mind. \:confused\: I made my story Sims Matt & Jenny if you'd see how close they are I'd appreciate it. I have to keep my meshes and cc to a minimum still but did get a hair mesh that's close. Their clothes are NOT the same (the cc issue) they're maxis. I did get the eyes the same color though.\:D Anyhow I'd like to see what you think.\:cool\: Take care.\:wub\:

DOTJul 7, 2008

Hi \:\) Thanks for the nice comment on my Dirty Dishes \:D

twinkletoeJul 7, 2008

I read you were on vacation.\:cool\: Enjoy the sun for Shirley and I. We are overcast and its rainy here. We took the kids to the mountains yesterday and they played in the snow in July\:eek\: Of course are mountains are a pretty high elevation.\:D I was scouting for more huckleberry fields\;\) We are having little mini days for vacation as our big vacation will be in October to Disneyland.

qvisnJul 7, 2008

Hi Jane, you have great weather this time? im so glad, make the most of it, we went to a festival of arts today and we got soaked through, there was a storm too\:eek\: scarey. I see we got through to the next part of ,new international teen model\:rah\: first time i got through anything on here\:P Enjoy yourself, Nos Da.\:wub\:

optimal10Jul 6, 2008

Love YOUR avatar! I guess we're a mutual admiration society!

SIMcredible!Jul 6, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my crab shot \:\)

pinkfloydgroupieJul 5, 2008

You're welcome! It was a great 4th picture

tey711Jul 5, 2008

Your very welcome! \:\) It was a great shot! \:D \:rah\:

!Angelfish!Jul 5, 2008

your welcome!!!!\:D -have a happy day!

hiedibear75Jul 5, 2008

He he he\:cool\: Yup.\:wub\: You can even get other merchandise like lunch boxes, totes, towels, pillows, stuffed toys, all sorts of stuff.\:rah\: Look them up on-line.......I'm sure they ship to other parts of the world.\:cool\:

siobhaonJul 4, 2008

Your Welcome! I dont comment much things.! Thanks for the Welcome!!! Hope you have fun here as well as me! SiobhainXxX

twinkletoeJul 4, 2008

Thanks for the 4th of July good wishes. There is a festival in town called Splash that we take the kids too. We will have a BBQ if the rains don't come. Then we will go back to the Splash Festival late at night for fireworks. The only sad part of the day was today would have been my parents 50th Anniversary. So me and my dad had a good cry this morning.\:\( I had wanted to do a fourth of July screenie with my parents as sims but I never got around to it. Too busy taking care of everyone. My daughter is very excited and got all dressed up in her fourth of July clothes.\:D

sallyhailsJul 4, 2008

I bet you don't see them a lot of the time, they'll be ditching the 'olds' first chance they get\;\) LOL\:P Enjoy\:wub\:

sallyhailsJul 4, 2008

I hope you enjoy your hol in Spain, how long are you going for?

qvisnJul 4, 2008

\:P \:P \:P

Uma DesignJul 4, 2008

hi cariadbach, and thanks for appreciating my teen shorts & bikini top!\:P \:D \:wub\:

qvisnJul 4, 2008

Did you notice in the forums there are boy heads on top of our avis, im sure we are girls.\:P

DragonessGirlJul 3, 2008

It's all right, I suppose. I find my feelings towards it change all the time. Sometimes I feel ready to kill someone (although I don't really know if it's myself or the person I'm talking to I want to kill most), and other times I'm so happy I can't stop smiling. Most people look away, shake thier head and look embarrassed when I approach. I'm giving them a nad conscience, because they know that the state of the world isn't good, and that they could help. Some people support masses of organisations, and they are most willing to list them. Amnesty, UNICEF, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, SOS child villages, and many others. Those people make me happy. I'm moving at the end of september, so there's still some three months left. I think I'll be flying, there's no convenient boat. A lot og things can be bought in England, it's not like I'm going halfway round the world. I'm not going to Oman, like Sally. \:\) //Dragoness

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