charlotte182 (2884877)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (9 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations
Published Jan 12, 2011
About Me
Hi! I'm charlotte182 and I'm 19. I live in beautiful Poland.
I only just learn design my projects but I need a lot of time to show you
I hope you understand me because my English isn't very well ^^
Now you can show my first projects of houses. I hope you like it
I have many ideas about building houses, I've played "the sims" for 2000 and I love it up!
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsJan 09, 2017
Thank you so much!!
PralinesimsJan 09, 2017
Happy New Year honey!! ♥
SIMcredible!Nov 25, 2014
Hello, Charlotte ◠ᴥ◠ Thank you for your comment in our guestbook! We are happy you and your sims enjoy our creations
Wish you have a beautiful day and a happy simming time *◡*