cherokeerose (796258)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (63 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Matching Girl\'s Bow for Sundresses
Published May 31, 2009
About Me
Currently I am a 34 year old stay at home mom. I have two sons, Aaron who is 9 and Joseph (JoJo) who is 2. I have been happily married for 11 years to a wonderful man who is a former Marine and is currently enrolled in Paramedic class. I am hoping to go back to college once JoJo begins school to finish up my accounting degree. My hobbies include crocheting, cooking, reading, watching movies, and of course the Sims 2. My favorite movie of all time is Steel Magnolias, I also enjoy the Harry Potter and Twilight movies. And my favorite books are the Harry Potter series and now the Twilight series. I love to cook just about anything although I focus on good old fashioned home cooking. My NaNa(great-grandmother) was full blooded Cherokee Indian and it is from her I got the nickname Cherokee Rose along with the lessons on the culture and how to use herbs to heal. I have forgotten quite a bit of the lessons but, her pride in being Cherokee is something that remains with me to this day. I take pride in my heritage and am teaching my children to take pride in their heritages which is now currently a mix of Cherokee, Irish and German. My husband is 2nd generation Irish born in this country. He takes pride in his Irish heritage which I encourage. Although I have recolored objects for the game I am currently concentration on making clothing and maybe walls and floors. I hope you enjoy my creations and feel free to drop me line.
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hiedibear75Jun 01, 2009
Well that's cool. I have a tiny bit of American Indian in me aswell.......Cheyenne Indian. But then there is a whole lot of German, Swedish, English, Irish, & Scotish. So was your hubby's accident why he decided to become a paramedic? I thought about trying to do counciling for those who are injured, but aside from it can be very beneficial to hear it from someone who has not just learned it from a book but has been through it, I HATED the social worker I had. But then my back & neck got worse so I had to quit going to collage. Oh was fun while I was up for it & at least I can put "some college" on things instead of just high school. When my computer can handle cc again I'll go through your stuff & grab a bunch of it.....what I saw of it was really good. Anyway take care.
hiedibear75May 31, 2009
Hello. I was looking through downloads & saw your hats & bags. So I decided to be nosy. So hubby is studying to become a paramedic or is he finished his training? Well you can tell him that this lady who plays Sims told you to tell him "people who are unconcious CAN still sometimes hear you!". I had an accident many moons ago so it's kinda a pet peev of mine that more people in the medical community do not believe that people who are unconcious or in a coma can still hear what is being said sometimes. Anyway your creations were awesome & I've bookmarked you. I can't have cc right now because my computer needs some upgrades 1st.......but I still keep my eye out for when it is suped up. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :wub;
charrayMay 29, 2009
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your lovely creations Great job! Keep up the good work