cindy72 (262660)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (91 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Short Non Fuzzy 4
Published Nov 2, 2004
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covermejoeyNov 02, 2004
I love your Pixie hair(s).
They are for femaales,yes?
I have a black hair I found somewhere for a toddler girl.The cut is so cute,but I think it would look better on a little boy.
Do you think you could make the pixie cuts for males with the fringe/bangs for toddler to adult?
I'm not a paid member of TSR,but I'd pay just to get those for males.
If you would like to reply to me,here's my email addy, covermejoey AT
Thank you for your time and reading.
ChIkA_LaTiNaOct 23, 2004
Oh, sry! It wasn't on the free list when I looked, nvm. keep it up grrl
ChIkA_LaTiNaOct 21, 2004
What about the green M&M? She's awesome. She keeps the guys in check!