cpblick45 (556545)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Chinese Pandahound
Published Nov 8, 2006
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About Me
I've been simming ever since my son, Daniel, gave me The Sims game for Christmas in 2001. As soon as I checked out the Newbies I knew I was hooked. Pulled the first of many all-nighters building a house and shocked my family. They thought "only kids do stuff like that!" Just goes to show you that you're only as old as you feel .
My Latest Updates Show All
And We All Sim On...Back to The Sims with Sims3Written Jun 14, 2009
Today I renewed my acquaintance, and my subscription, with TSR. What a day!! I've looked at everybody's new Sim3 creations, visited numerous artist's minisites, and exchanged some fun comments back-and-forth with fellow simmers from all around the world. Totally a fun day! (My cats weren't quite as impressed...they felt I spent entirely too much time at the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
mutskeDec 18, 2015
Hi Thank you for your very nice message in my guestbook. I love creating for sims 4!!! Working on some windows and doors right now and they are almost finished!!! I hope you will have a great weekend!! Happy Simming!!
PinecatDec 24, 2009
Wishing you a Christmas that's Merry and a New Year filled with love and joy! ~Jackie
IllianaDec 23, 2009
Hi there CP! *Chuckles* I understand completely about pulling all night building sessions! I can't tell you how many times I've looked up and thought, "3 AM?! Ok, I'm just going to finish decorating this last room..." Yeah...right. LOL! By the way, I wanted to thank you for the kind comment you left on the Christmas Tree Farm. I just wanted a little something different, and everyone else was making such beautiful Christmassy homes. With the limited CC, guess a Tree Farm was all my withered old brain could come up with. Anyhoo, thanks again for your kindness! This holiday season I wish you joy, I wish you happiness, but most of all I wish you love! - Illiana