crackerjack2772 (2209257)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (10 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Geometric
Published Mar 6, 2010
About Me
As far as the Sims goes, my site will primarily consist of lots. Both of my parents were architects, so while I decided not to follow them in that arena, I still have a fondness for building things with historic accuracy.
As far as I go, I'm a chocoholic and coffee addict (in a nutshell), and as a result I tend to be excessively hyper (although I prefer to say "energetic"), and I love life. If I ever died of spontaneous combustion, my ashes would be coffee grounds and chocolate flakes. :-)
Oh yeah, and I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm probably one of the few people who will say Valentines Day is their favorite holiday (who can say no to chocolate, roses, and love?)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy my creations!
My Latest Updates Show All
Wooo Kudos!Written Feb 28, 2010
Okay, so I'm pretty new to uploading my designs to TSR, and I love it! Thanks so much to everyone who has liked my designs thus far - you've put a smile on my face every day! Still, as a newbie artist, I'm not entirely sure how to put signatures on work or anything like that, so if you know a good program to edit screenshots in to make them look more professional (or a... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
katalinaMar 06, 2010
Hiya Crackerjack Thanks so much for the wonderful comment on Aurora Falls. That lot actually took me weeks to finish, almost a month since I couldn't always get on the computer, doing renovations here in my own home lol. Glad you like the lot and I know you will have fun with it.
GosikMar 06, 2010
Hi Creckerjack just waned to thank you for your sweet comment on my Bordeaux items. I'm very glad you like them
djehmliMar 02, 2010
Hey There, I caught your comment on the posey pattern at the same time I saw your little cottage posted, thank you so much for using a creation of mine in something so adorable as that little aboad. Look forward to seeing more from you.